not that anyone is listening, but its been awhile since I've had time to get on and check out the site.
sooooooo i didn't get promoted, but i did pass the test first time up!
im told thats really good but im still sad i didn't pick up for second class. next time for sure.
thinking a lot about the navy and maybe its not the place for me after all. i seem to be doing really well but i just dont enjoy it :/ some thoughts on how to get out? but i still need to make money so that make it really hard to leave. maybe if i write a book about the navy i'll make money and piss of the GOV so they Kick me out. 2 birds with one stone.
sooooooo i didn't get promoted, but i did pass the test first time up!
thinking a lot about the navy and maybe its not the place for me after all. i seem to be doing really well but i just dont enjoy it :/ some thoughts on how to get out? but i still need to make money so that make it really hard to leave. maybe if i write a book about the navy i'll make money and piss of the GOV so they Kick me out. 2 birds with one stone.