I don't think I have the will power to stop myself...

My libido is too strong and my judgment is clouded.

I'm going to Spain! Toledo to be exact... for 5 weeks.

It's a short little stay but I'm super excited! I'm taking 2 spanish classes and i'll be living with a Spanish family. I don't know if I'd have the ovaries for it if it were a whole semester. I want more than anything to become a lot more fluent while i'm there and hey,...
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5 weeks is a short little stay? It will be a good experience for you.

It takes me far less than two years to get the itch, crushing on new girls all the time... but I just make sure I don't put myself into situations where it becomes an issue. New pussy is great, but it's also not worth throwing away something I've taken a long time to build. Healthy fantasy will have to do.

Open relationships seem like a powder keg to me, and I generally find that out of those people in them, one person is a lot happier with it than the other. That said, I've known some people who make it work very well.
You are very talented!
awesome! you better post a pic of that skull, i want to see that!
So this semester my boyfroend and I are taking a ceramics class together! Being in an art class makes me feel so motivated. I've also started drawing again. It feels so right!

AND because I'm so super proud of my current project for ceramics, I thought I'd share my homework with the internet!

The assignment was called "Extraordinary Shoes" and we were assigned to create...
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thanks but that was almost three years ago! epp!!
Just got home from my first two days of classes for this semester!

I'm super excited about my classes so far. I won't have my Language and Gender class until next week, but I'm sure I'll love it. It really feels good to have classes again. I was getting bored. I'm also taking Global Gender Activism, Journalism Law and Regulation, Conversational Spanish<---(I might fail this...
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What do you do when someone is obviously mentally ill?

My boyfriend has a friend who has spent the last few days with us. They have known each other for roughly 21 years. His friend scares the shit out of me and i really don't want him in my house.

we'll call this friend 'B'
So, B hasn't had the easiest life and is...
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I think B is the better idea...he needs help that you simply cannot provide.
Sushi tonight! I'm super excited! My boy and I rarely have date nights just me and him. Plus, sushi is one of those foods that is both extremely delicious and that i don't yell at myself for. Woo!

I'm starting a bi-weekly yoga class with my mother and aunt and plan to start weight training on Monday. I'm pretty in love with my body right...
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fushi yami!!!! Thats amazing to hear that you love your body! You don't hear that from women often, and also i always go thru fazes where i do then i dont then i do so its good that you are doing stuff like yoga to make you feel good. I should be doing that too. Get off my lazy ass!
i love that you are still on sg

are you still living in dekalb? i miss it, and all the interesting people you introduced me to
Feeling much brighter in the wake of the past few days. Money is tight after the holidays but we're coping. More quality time, less going out. The bars wont miss us anyway.

I've been managing to meet my BMR for the past few days. It's been a struggle but my boyfriend is a saint.

I can't wait for school to start. My final semester at...
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Good luck with the grad school apps, and happy new year. biggrin
Why am i the way i am?

Why don't other people count up arbitrary numbers in their heads all day long and punish themselves over them?

it sounds fucked up, but i don't feel bad for fat people. i don't know what it's like to gain weight without trying. i only know what its like to loose weight. no one sympathizes with me over this...
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eat, girl! smile
The boyfriend just left for Louisiana for x-mas. It's the longest we've been apart from each other in over a year. He cried before he left. It's little things like that that remind me why I love him soo much... and kind of why (and i wouldn't admit this to him because it would scare the crap outta him) I can see myself with him...
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