people still need lives..maybe they're just jealous of mine yesterday....all my troubles seemed so far away...
But anyway...I'm just gonna ignore the stupid people and move on with my life.
Not much went on yesterday if I recall. Work was full of crap as always. I had a representative come in from Dannon and then another one from...I Can't Believe it's not Butter...and then I think Tropicana. Too many people!! Then Amanda and her friend Ashley came in and they got Chinese as did I. Ashley has the hots for me, which I find funny. Well actually it makes me feel special that people would actually find me attractive and whatnot. I need the self-esteem boost.
Then afterwork I went upstairs and cleared out the Dairy file cabinet. There was stuff in there from three managers ago. And there was a nice little booklet that you put business cards in and it has like every product's card that you could think of. There was also a bunch of pens and a couple notebooks. Quite exciting. Ken Gray was cool. Too bad he's a preacher now. I mean that's a good life choice for him, just sucks that he's not around here anymore.
Akkk!!!! It's my day off right now and I'm watching Fear Factor and ugh this is disgusting! They have to take cow eyeballs and membranes and break the membrane only using their mouth and put cow eyeball juice into a cup. Once it reaches a certain line they have to drink all the juice. It's like black and ug. I'm gonna stop eating my McFlurry for a few minutes...
Anyway...I just hung out at my place after work, then watched wrestling. Was feeling kinda lonely for some reason, but oh well...I'll survive. Now with my day off...I'm once again sitting here with nothing to do. You should all leave me comments and make me feel special. Catch ya'll later.
~*me*~ yesterday....all my troubles seemed so far away...
But anyway...I'm just gonna ignore the stupid people and move on with my life.
Not much went on yesterday if I recall. Work was full of crap as always. I had a representative come in from Dannon and then another one from...I Can't Believe it's not Butter...and then I think Tropicana. Too many people!! Then Amanda and her friend Ashley came in and they got Chinese as did I. Ashley has the hots for me, which I find funny. Well actually it makes me feel special that people would actually find me attractive and whatnot. I need the self-esteem boost.
Then afterwork I went upstairs and cleared out the Dairy file cabinet. There was stuff in there from three managers ago. And there was a nice little booklet that you put business cards in and it has like every product's card that you could think of. There was also a bunch of pens and a couple notebooks. Quite exciting. Ken Gray was cool. Too bad he's a preacher now. I mean that's a good life choice for him, just sucks that he's not around here anymore.
Akkk!!!! It's my day off right now and I'm watching Fear Factor and ugh this is disgusting! They have to take cow eyeballs and membranes and break the membrane only using their mouth and put cow eyeball juice into a cup. Once it reaches a certain line they have to drink all the juice. It's like black and ug. I'm gonna stop eating my McFlurry for a few minutes...
Anyway...I just hung out at my place after work, then watched wrestling. Was feeling kinda lonely for some reason, but oh well...I'll survive. Now with my day off...I'm once again sitting here with nothing to do. You should all leave me comments and make me feel special. Catch ya'll later.
no problem, i'm a nerd too, hehe.
the jet grind radio thing is actually a cardboard promo thing. i used to work at a video game store.
