So things are going as good as they can be without any familiar human contact. I'm slowly starting to feel better from my whole ear infection thing. I still have a little bit of medication left, so I'll finish that off, and if I'm still feeling shitty, I'll go back to the doctor and get some more numbing pills. Mmmmm...pain pills are nice.
I'm going to try and see how long I can go without eating fast food. I'm shooting for a month, but we'll see what happens. I fucked up yesterday, so I'm starting over as of today, which brings me to yesterday....
Whew...yesterday sucked but was good at the same time. Let's just say I must be psychic. That or I have amazing timing. So, I had noticed the day before that my car was kind of acting funny when it was starting up, taking a little longer than expected. I figured it might have to do with the fact that I needed an oil change, which is what I was going to get. Well, I took it to Jiffy Lube, and they went in there and started working on it. That's when I went and got fast food. When I came back, they said if I had had any problems with it starting, and I said I started noticing something the day before. They said, well it's dead - the battery that is. So I had to go over to O'Riley's Auto Parts and pick up a new battery, which thankfully they put in for me. I'm just hoping my rent check doesn't go through till I get paid next, or I might be screwed. So now I have a fresh change of oil and a new battery to last me through these cold winter times. Good thing I did this right before the blizzard hit. Now if I could only get the defrost fixed....
So I worked in the morning Wednesday 7-4. Turns out it just had to start snowing like 30 minutes before I had to go to work. So I whiped the snow off my car and headed to work, and was like five minutes late, not too bad. Work went pretty good I guess. I got everything done that I wanted. Only sucky thing is that I would learn the closer called in, so what I left him didn't get done. I ordered a big ass truck for today (Thursday), so I should stay pretty darn busy. Like the head honcho of Hy-Vee came in, and I got to shake his hand, which was kinda cool I guess. And I believe that was all with work...
I dig my car out from the seemingly foot of snow on top of it, and get it running. Sadly with my defrost dead, the windshielf had like a layer of ice/frost on it which made it nearly impossible to see out of. It was scarry as hell, and I almost got in an accident on the way home. I'll just have to be sure and start my car early for work Thursday. Thankfully I don't work till 11, but then I have no daytime freetime, which kinda sucks, but what was I really going to do? Who knows...just sit on my ass? But I do have Friday off, so I can sit on my ass and do nothing then...
So I emailed JCCC and asked them the availability of the online classes I wanted to sign up for, but had to take a test beforehand to show them I know how to use a computer. Thankfully, five of the seven classes are still available, so I guess I need to find a time to go take this computer assessment test thing so I can sign up for the classes. Of course, I've never been to the place so I'll look like a tourist, and I don't really wanna go alone. *sigh* I wish I could take that online. Some of the classes include Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, Java I think, Computer Programming, Computer Forensics, and I don't remember the other one. But I'm trying to add up to 12 credits which would be full time, correct?
Um, so yeah after I got off work I've been sitting at home thinking about things and wishing for things, and planning some special things for christmas for people, but I can't go into that. it's a surprise!! Well I have nothing better to do right now since I have no one to talk to anymore, so I think I'll just lay in bed until I eventually pass out. Then I'll go smoke a bowl...just playin. I could though!!! But I won't do it alone...or at least without her I couldn't.
So things are going as good as they can be without any familiar human contact. I'm slowly starting to feel better from my whole ear infection thing. I still have a little bit of medication left, so I'll finish that off, and if I'm still feeling shitty, I'll go back to the doctor and get some more numbing pills. Mmmmm...pain pills are nice.
I'm going to try and see how long I can go without eating fast food. I'm shooting for a month, but we'll see what happens. I fucked up yesterday, so I'm starting over as of today, which brings me to yesterday....
Whew...yesterday sucked but was good at the same time. Let's just say I must be psychic. That or I have amazing timing. So, I had noticed the day before that my car was kind of acting funny when it was starting up, taking a little longer than expected. I figured it might have to do with the fact that I needed an oil change, which is what I was going to get. Well, I took it to Jiffy Lube, and they went in there and started working on it. That's when I went and got fast food. When I came back, they said if I had had any problems with it starting, and I said I started noticing something the day before. They said, well it's dead - the battery that is. So I had to go over to O'Riley's Auto Parts and pick up a new battery, which thankfully they put in for me. I'm just hoping my rent check doesn't go through till I get paid next, or I might be screwed. So now I have a fresh change of oil and a new battery to last me through these cold winter times. Good thing I did this right before the blizzard hit. Now if I could only get the defrost fixed....
So I worked in the morning Wednesday 7-4. Turns out it just had to start snowing like 30 minutes before I had to go to work. So I whiped the snow off my car and headed to work, and was like five minutes late, not too bad. Work went pretty good I guess. I got everything done that I wanted. Only sucky thing is that I would learn the closer called in, so what I left him didn't get done. I ordered a big ass truck for today (Thursday), so I should stay pretty darn busy. Like the head honcho of Hy-Vee came in, and I got to shake his hand, which was kinda cool I guess. And I believe that was all with work...
I dig my car out from the seemingly foot of snow on top of it, and get it running. Sadly with my defrost dead, the windshielf had like a layer of ice/frost on it which made it nearly impossible to see out of. It was scarry as hell, and I almost got in an accident on the way home. I'll just have to be sure and start my car early for work Thursday. Thankfully I don't work till 11, but then I have no daytime freetime, which kinda sucks, but what was I really going to do? Who knows...just sit on my ass? But I do have Friday off, so I can sit on my ass and do nothing then...
So I emailed JCCC and asked them the availability of the online classes I wanted to sign up for, but had to take a test beforehand to show them I know how to use a computer. Thankfully, five of the seven classes are still available, so I guess I need to find a time to go take this computer assessment test thing so I can sign up for the classes. Of course, I've never been to the place so I'll look like a tourist, and I don't really wanna go alone. *sigh* I wish I could take that online. Some of the classes include Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Flash, Java I think, Computer Programming, Computer Forensics, and I don't remember the other one. But I'm trying to add up to 12 credits which would be full time, correct?
Um, so yeah after I got off work I've been sitting at home thinking about things and wishing for things, and planning some special things for christmas for people, but I can't go into that. it's a surprise!! Well I have nothing better to do right now since I have no one to talk to anymore, so I think I'll just lay in bed until I eventually pass out. Then I'll go smoke a bowl...just playin. I could though!!! But I won't do it alone...or at least without her I couldn't.