getting a day off work for no reason is the best reason to take off work ever.
i've litterally done nothing all day. and it's awesome.
how have you been. i've been a bad friend and havent been keeping up with you. so be the better person and tell whats been going on in your life.
i'm 4 classes away from my AA, then another year or so and i'll have my BA. School is gnar gnar right now it's just project after project after project. we had to do a dvd cover in photoshop for our last one and i did this japanese zombie movie called stacy and it came out pretty damn awesome since i was limited to just using screen captures. so thats pretty much been my life. school and school. then a sprinkle of work =(
now i must level.
getting a day off work for no reason is the best reason to take off work ever.
i've litterally done nothing all day. and it's awesome.
how have you been. i've been a bad friend and havent been keeping up with you. so be the better person and tell whats been going on in your life.
i'm 4 classes away from my AA, then another year or so and i'll have my BA. School is gnar gnar right now it's just project after project after project. we had to do a dvd cover in photoshop for our last one and i did this japanese zombie movie called stacy and it came out pretty damn awesome since i was limited to just using screen captures. so thats pretty much been my life. school and school. then a sprinkle of work =(
now i must level.
boobs are awesome
I like it!! I love the scary but kind of cute B-class horror movie tastes