i'm bad.
for one of the girls at work, her birthday was last week and i've giving her a card tonight and encloses is a coupon for free oral sex.
the kicker is, she's 40 and married.
and the other kicker is i would totally do it and the other thing is she probably will do it.
good times.
or bad times if her husband finds out and decides to kill me.
for one of the girls at work, her birthday was last week and i've giving her a card tonight and encloses is a coupon for free oral sex.
the kicker is, she's 40 and married.
and the other kicker is i would totally do it and the other thing is she probably will do it.
good times.
or bad times if her husband finds out and decides to kill me.

I hope her husband doesn't find out though cause then things will be less complicated for ya