So I just got back from a two week stay at the hospital in Denver, I needed a tune up for my Cystic Fibrosis. I wasn't able to log on cause my phone only works at home, and the hospital had certain firewalls up. But I did get some good work done. I've finished writing the first part of a two part, live action YuGiOh...
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So I just uploaded my remix to "Day N' Night" by Kid Cudi. If you'd like to have a listen the URL is www.soundcloud.com/jonnt/day-n-night-remix Also, if you wanna keep track of my rap via Facebook just search MC Neptune.


So I was toying with my camera today, and i do finally got Cinema Mode working. So now it looms like an actual film! I got so excited that I filmed a quick video to my remix of "Rooftops" by Wiz Khalifa. Now j just gotta buy a HV cord so I can transfer the video onto a computer and do some editing. I am...
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So I just finished the script to the first episode of my web series, based off of my comic book, Path of Zen. It's a fresh, new taste in the zombie genre. I have started episode 2 and am thinking of making it six episodes to start it off. If anyone is interested in hearing more just let me know : )


so I just remembered a song that I absolutely would LOVE to write to. It's "Turnt Down" by Hodgy Beats. I'll start to water that idea. It's just gonna grow....


So I recorded my new track "Envious" tonight and threw it up on soundcloud. It's a bit shaky cause I did it in a short amount of time so I'm considering it just a demo for now. Here's the URL! Also go check out the Wiz Khalifa remix I did. Enjoy and feel free to comment and share! : )



I recently started playing RE6 again after beating it about a year ago. And I'd love to have some friends join me online to play through! I'm playing on the No Hope difficulty, and itd be awesome to have someone who doesn't mind watching the cut scenes. I have Playstation, and my PSN account is JonnySuperSaiyan. Lets destroy some J'avo's and zombies!!! : 3


So I found a loophole to my recording issues. I Dow loaded Audacity! I can't believe I didn't think of that in the first place. So today I finished a remix to "Rooftops" by Wiz Khalifa. If anyone wants to check it you can find it here. Enjoy!


Hello all, it's been a minute since I've posted. So I decided to restart the script for the movie, and I'm still looking for a leading lady. Recently I had a "friend" cut down my rap ability, when he honestly has no skill at all. The past couple of days he's been sucking up to me and trying to convince me to stick with it....
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So today was kind of fucked up. my brother let his anger get the best of him, so he attacked me. I don't like throwing fists with my brother, so I didn't even make one. Got a nice goose egg on the back of my head from a cheap shot. But everything is good now. I met with Maddelyn today, whom is my new artist....
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