Well, I probably should be
Drug out to sea
Where I cant hurt no one
And no one can hurt me...
At least Id be free,
And probably Id see,
What caused me to be
So detached completely.
Jumpin rope
Through a thick cloud of smoke,
Fumblin through all of the letters and notes...
The ones that you wrote...
Do they keep me afloat?
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Drug out to sea
Where I cant hurt no one
And no one can hurt me...
At least Id be free,
And probably Id see,
What caused me to be
So detached completely.
Jumpin rope
Through a thick cloud of smoke,
Fumblin through all of the letters and notes...
The ones that you wrote...
Do they keep me afloat?
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The ship is safest in harbor, but that's not where a ship is meant to be.
*shrug* I keep breathing.
*shrug* I keep breathing.
"Why do my eyes hurt?"
"Because you've never used them."
"Because you've never used them."
he decidido a no ser yo
mejor buscamos otra forma
para hacernos dao
y dejar de lastimarnos uno al otro
hoy despert
con las ganas de hacer
algo que me haga sentir bien
y regal todo lo que me importa
para ver si as me quedo quieto
nos platicamos la verdad
y decidimos estar lejos
lo bastante lejos
para no pensarnos
para olvidarnos
hoy despert...
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mejor buscamos otra forma
para hacernos dao
y dejar de lastimarnos uno al otro
hoy despert
con las ganas de hacer
algo que me haga sentir bien
y regal todo lo que me importa
para ver si as me quedo quieto
nos platicamos la verdad
y decidimos estar lejos
lo bastante lejos
para no pensarnos
para olvidarnos
hoy despert...
Read More
Well I'm definitely done with him. I'm just hoping that he does not prove to be a problem on my front lawn now. Unpredictability like that is not good.
Indeed, my motto is better paranoid than dead. As you pretty much know.
That all being said, he works for the same company that I do (rather he did) and of course no one outside of a tight controlled group at the moment knows he did this. It would be embarrassing to the company and the client potentially if it got out. It means he may still have access to mutual friends that may not know what a turd he is. And, he knows where I work, obviously, and could likely make it past the receptionist without even a side ways glance.
One of my friends who was particularly hurt in this mess has had her computer scanned looking for anything that might have corrupted her system and put her at risk for information theft. I'm not entirely sure why she is doing it, unless she let him use her system. *shrug* (She is on the ice and so I cannot talk with her privately to know what transpired over the past few weeks while I was gone, and he seemingly started loosing his shit. But I have been informed loosely that these last three weeks have been hell that he has put people through.)
Hopefully his lashing out at them is going to be the last of all of this.
That all being said, he works for the same company that I do (rather he did) and of course no one outside of a tight controlled group at the moment knows he did this. It would be embarrassing to the company and the client potentially if it got out. It means he may still have access to mutual friends that may not know what a turd he is. And, he knows where I work, obviously, and could likely make it past the receptionist without even a side ways glance.
One of my friends who was particularly hurt in this mess has had her computer scanned looking for anything that might have corrupted her system and put her at risk for information theft. I'm not entirely sure why she is doing it, unless she let him use her system. *shrug* (She is on the ice and so I cannot talk with her privately to know what transpired over the past few weeks while I was gone, and he seemingly started loosing his shit. But I have been informed loosely that these last three weeks have been hell that he has put people through.)
Hopefully his lashing out at them is going to be the last of all of this.
I don't snap-on like you want me to.
Because it still hurts my eyes when they turn red.
I sit down--rode all the way next to my heart...
It beats to the time--too close to your truth.
Yeah, the tarot broke.
Open the glasshouse...
So, this might just be the saddest day I've ever known...
My arms are tied behind disease.
I'll probably be gone...
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Because it still hurts my eyes when they turn red.
I sit down--rode all the way next to my heart...
It beats to the time--too close to your truth.
Yeah, the tarot broke.
Open the glasshouse...
So, this might just be the saddest day I've ever known...
My arms are tied behind disease.
I'll probably be gone...
Read More
I always thought the song said, "so you're the tearing bull, up in the glass house" . Shows you how much I know.
I am heaven-sent,
Don't you dare forget...
I am all you've ever wanted,
What all the other boys all promised.
Sorry I told. I just needed you to know.
I think in decimals and dollars.
I am the cause to all your problems,
Shelter from cold. We are never alone.
Coordinate brain to mouth,
Then ask me whats it like to have
Myself so figured...
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Don't you dare forget...
I am all you've ever wanted,
What all the other boys all promised.
Sorry I told. I just needed you to know.
I think in decimals and dollars.
I am the cause to all your problems,
Shelter from cold. We are never alone.
Coordinate brain to mouth,
Then ask me whats it like to have
Myself so figured...
Read More
Still in Chile. I am currently in Santiago waiting to fly CONUS. Ugh.
Did you move yet?
Did you move yet?
Copy that. Hopefully I will catch you on line sometime.
You can give me the haps.

Mira a lo que he trado
Para que no me olvidas
Lo que tiempo se nos va
Es lo que ha quedado
El lo que hemos vivido
Tus fotos, cartas, y un pual
Las fotos y las cartas...
Recuerdos que me matan
Y el pual nos alcanza
Para poder vernos sangrar
Te juro no nos doler
Ms que sta realidad
He venido a que queremos...
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La manzana estab muy dulce
Gracias por tu apoyo

Dear Mr. C,
Please check in.
Mrs. C.
Please check in.
Mrs. C.
No s, de ser as ser sincero
Lo poco que s es que hay que ver primero
Tal vez, tal vez
Soy uno ms contando ceros
El viento del mar se llev mi cuerpo
Tanta informacin
Tanta confusin
All afuera es el mar y no me cabe ms
Y no me cabe ms
Aqu adentro soy una isla
No te detienes por nada
Y sabas...
Read More
Lo poco que s es que hay que ver primero
Tal vez, tal vez
Soy uno ms contando ceros
El viento del mar se llev mi cuerpo
Tanta informacin
Tanta confusin
All afuera es el mar y no me cabe ms
Y no me cabe ms
Aqu adentro soy una isla
No te detienes por nada
Y sabas...
Read More
wowwww i love your coment <3
que lindo poema! me llego un poquito al corazon!!!! 

She said she was going home
I said I'll be fine by myself
I thought that she wanted me
But she was thinking something else
Now the sun was coming up
Still I couldn't see exactly how she felt
I thought that she wanted me
But she was thinking something else
And now it don't take much to see inside my heart
I was never...
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I said I'll be fine by myself
I thought that she wanted me
But she was thinking something else
Now the sun was coming up
Still I couldn't see exactly how she felt
I thought that she wanted me
But she was thinking something else
And now it don't take much to see inside my heart
I was never...
Read More
vivo en medallo 

can I come over and play?
Dear Mr. C,
Eh, I gots nufin.
Much Love,
Mrs. C
Eh, I gots nufin.
Much Love,
Mrs. C
Bam indeed.
Missed you.
Well, she's sitting right there, 'neath a chain link fence.
She's down at the park with the rest of her friends.
And she looks so pretty but she's only sixteen...
Didn't know that when she smiled at me.
Now, the boys are hunched over their electric guitars.
I'm lying in the grass out beside my car.
I followed her down to the Dixie Freeze...
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She's down at the park with the rest of her friends.
And she looks so pretty but she's only sixteen...
Didn't know that when she smiled at me.
Now, the boys are hunched over their electric guitars.
I'm lying in the grass out beside my car.
I followed her down to the Dixie Freeze...
Read More
Have a good trip Mr. C.
Dear Mr. C.,
You better. I love details. Even if there is citrus involved.
Just sayin. But I'm a little pig like that.
I'm on line MSN if you want to say hello.
Mrs. C
You better. I love details. Even if there is citrus involved.
Just sayin. But I'm a little pig like that.
I'm on line MSN if you want to say hello.
Mrs. C