so crushing is fun. but getting some action could be MORE fun. maybe something will suddenly pop up.

I'm excited though. got lots of activities planned for the weekend, which involves getting out of the damn apartment and drinking beer somewhere ELSE.

or jager bombs. but jager bombs are TROUBLE with a capital T R O U B L E.

so for anyone who is...
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Lick. Lick. Boxer. Lick. Boxer......hahaha. Sorry. wink tongue
Now the real question is...what happened in kindergarten that made you weird from their on in??? skull

Yeah...you'd think size D boobs would tip them off. wink
someone needs to get some action. and that somebody is me.


probably won't happen. thats ok.

I seriously think one possibility that I have been thinking about could possibly work. maybe. but not banking on that either.

the only thing I am sure of is that I don't love my ex anymore. he finally ruined me, and I picked myself up.

thanks to the...
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so my internet is finally back.

and I've been trying to get back into the swing of things, dating wise. but so far no dates, and no booty calls.

we shall see.

other than that, in the time I have been offline, I fell out of love with my ex.

everyday since is a brand new fucking day. and I plan on getting my kitty...
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Booty Call.


Dammit...everytime....no answer or hangups.

sniff...sniff...smell that? Someone likes someone else?

Why don't you ever comment in my journal?

Did you find a name for the tackle yet?
Just nevermind.

[Edited on Aug 02, 2005 12:14AM]
went to see the VH1 classic tour with Firehouse, Quiet Riot, Ratt and Cinderella.

Cinderella RULED.

The iPod playlist "Cinder-fucking-rella" is in heavy rotation right now....

and the irony, I called the playlist that after a drunken, shirtless, midwestern beerbellied man went "cinder-FUCKIN'-rella! WOOOOOOOOO!" and did the 'beer-up' salute to the band after the pyrotechnics impressed the shit out of him.

Cinderella ain't bullshittin'.

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I would have went to see them....how can you not!!
There is a shot or something you can get for that habit.....maybe they make a hairy patch. Ah....that sounded weird.....go ahead and hair out!
coughing like a 40 year chain smoker.

and got some happy pills to make the sick go away.

bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok bok
Are you BOKin' at yourself!!
just got back from vacation. still jetlagged and incredibly sick. i think i gots da flu.

was just listening to "Such Great Heights" by the postal service. put that on a mix-cd for that boy I loved. Sad, sad days.

eating popcorn for supper.
My favorite Postal Service song so far goes a little like this:

I was waiting for a cross-town train in the
london underground when it struck me
that I've been waiting since birth to find a
love that would look and sound like a movie
so I changed my plans I rented a camera and
a van and then I called you
"I need you to pretend that we are in love
again." and you agreed to

I want so badly to believe that "there is truth,
that love is real"
and I want life in every word to the extent
that it's absurd

I greased the lens and framed the shot using
a friend as my stand-in
the script it called for rain but it was clear
that day so we faked it
the marker snapped and I yelled "quiet on
the set" and then called "action!"
and I kissed you in a style clark gable would
have admired (i thought it classic)

I want so badly to believe that "there is truth,
that love is real"
and I want life in every word to the extent
that it's absurd
i know you're wise beyond your years, but
do you ever get the feeling
that your perfect verse is just a lie
you tell yourself to help you get by

you know....Clark Gable?
madison? is mad city records still there?
going to mexico. and new mexico, and texas sort of. and hell i'll hit washington, oregon, and chicago briefly in the process.

vacation good. forget about the last wasted 8 years.
Hope you guys are having fun. Wewa said that P called her the other day.
so for anyone whos keeping track... (read, no one) I have dyed my hair back to its naturally dark brown color. going on vacation and i dont need to look like a weirdo who does bad dye jobs in all my pictures. my hair was a combo of pink and orange on the top fading into purple.

now I'll look like I did when I...
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13 years...you're dad will be pretty happy then. smile
getting ready to jetset all over the place. and sometime in there going to go to mexico and get me some liquor, some ceramic parrots, some blankets, and whatever else i can find.

should have gotten my dental work done there, then i wouldnt owe so much damn money to the dentist.

mmmm....leftover burrito, WITH GREEN CHILE.

awesome. hits the spot after a night of debauchery.

debauchery and burrito's go hand in hand skull