once again, i hit a brick wall.

I'm starting to feel particularly unspecial. but i do it to myself. at least that much I am aware of.

spent another day crying. nothing more pathetic than sitting in your car at lunchtime sobbing while people walk by and you have all the windows up and the air conditioner on so they can't hear you weeping.

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Sorry about the brick wall. Hope things get better.
sad sad days. letting peoples shit talk about me bother me.

I know who I am and what mistakes I have made. I know how I feel about certain people and who was a mistake.

getting over it.
went to a class reunion for the class ahead of mine. got shitfaced. chased after a dumb crush. figured out that was a waste of time. maybe i was just trying to get laid or whatever, but its totally a waste of time for ANY reason.

even for a pair of accidentally left victorias secret panties that were fucking expensive. maybe i should buy my...
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Nice....if I get anymore feedback like I got this morning.....well lets just say I am done with the whole scene.
strange days indeed...


just typing weird tonight.

I'm BACK!!
been riding the BMX bike like a fucking fiend. its making my ass hurt. but its probably good because my legs hurt too and that must mean i am doing something good.

recurrring sexual fantasies keeping me up at night....

I'm actually NOT drunk tonight and going to bed at a reasonable time! I'm so proud of me. I plan on taking a friend...
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They keep you up too? skull

I finally feel normal again.

some thanks:

to my friends for supporting me thru all the shit I've been thru this year

to Gersguy for getting me a membership to SG and making my life a whole lot brighter

to coca cola, red bull and jagermeister for enhancing my life

and to a certain male, for some much needed dick!

I am...
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Eat cheese huh?
Looks like you have been eating the blue cheese in that town.

See you tomorrow.
made crab salad.

ate crab salad.

went for a bike ride on the Dyno. Need to pump up tires. they seem to be holding air but are a little low i think. either that or they think i am a gigantic fatass.

had a coke too.

watching calories carefully. I can't screw up the free 15 pounds I lost being depressed over my stupid ex-boyfriend....
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See...you do need to live by me....we have a lot of crabs here.

That's the way things work you see. You make a best friend for a long time and then you loose them. Can never talk or think of them the same ever again. Just another reason to be careful about who you pick to get with. Don't want to loose all that time and stuff over a lay.

Plus you talk to me almost everyday!! Oh no....not again!!

hot sweaty and back from a BMX bike ride AND a walk with friends.

need shower badly.

still having some crushing problems. especially at work. oh well.

and if I have ONE more weird ass dream about one person in particular I am going to lose my mind. swear.

damn that chemistry.
it is nice that you are dreaming about me. thank you.
Someone needs a hug. Another few days....and you may have one. smile
so some good news.... i am probably getting a kitty. yes, kitties seem bad when you have birds. but this one is pretty laid back. he lives at my grandmas house but he is outside. he is a tomcat and hes only like 3 or 4 years old.

he has an injury to his leg so right now he is being kept in quarantine on...
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went to cinderella again. again! and for some reason am hungry. maybe because for one day I ain't drunk!

so i am making a mexican style pizza, with my additives of extra cheese and sour cream. wisconsin girls love thier dairy. hence the reason i still carry some extra pounds even though I lost like 15.....

mmmm..... pizza..... have the oven on.... and the air...
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Yes indeed, the slip n' slide party was a blast. Pictures coming soon.