drunk again.

but, saw the cute boy. waved hello. didnt speak.

went out with a friend, she was really fun.

went back to the local dive. but only went past it as no one was in there, ran into a friend walking down there, so i gave him a ride, we had some drinks, and we went jeeping.

and it was AWESOME.

much like my...
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well i finally feel better. had a nice conversation with someone special. and though nothing is coming of it, i feel better knowing i wasn't being blown off. sometimes life doesn't work out the way you hope, but oh well. I have more notes now on things I really like in a potential mate.

as for me, i'm gonna keep riding my BMX bike even...
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Just a quick hello, stop by if you wish!

"life is sad life is a bust, all you can do is do what you must"

do you know the rest of the song?
"a small town is a vast hell"

and mine is ever expanding.
Thanks for the pic compliments wink

I hope your hell starts receding.
nothing is as it seems in this sleepy nowhere town....

"A small town is a vast hell"

Oh Oh....now what? Girl don't let it get you down! The town is just a town and the people, well are fuckin morons sometimes.
maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel. hell, I know there is. I know theres more fish in the sea. I think I just get distracted by the ones I get crushes on. Maybe its the one I haven't been paying attention to that I should. one of the first to catch my eye.

need some luck in the love dept. Not...
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spent today getting wasted. talking to a cute guy. he walked away with my married friend. so I came home. and here I sit. alone. again.

like Dokken.
You say youre down on your luck
Hey baby Its a long, long way up
Hold back now, hold back your fears
You say youre really down and out
And you feel like theres no way out now
Let go now let go of your tears some more

-he's the best
once again, i hit a brick wall.

I'm starting to feel particularly unspecial. but i do it to myself. at least that much I am aware of.

spent another day crying. nothing more pathetic than sitting in your car at lunchtime sobbing while people walk by and you have all the windows up and the air conditioner on so they can't hear you weeping.

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Sorry about the brick wall. Hope things get better.
sad sad days. letting peoples shit talk about me bother me.

I know who I am and what mistakes I have made. I know how I feel about certain people and who was a mistake.

getting over it.
went to a class reunion for the class ahead of mine. got shitfaced. chased after a dumb crush. figured out that was a waste of time. maybe i was just trying to get laid or whatever, but its totally a waste of time for ANY reason.

even for a pair of accidentally left victorias secret panties that were fucking expensive. maybe i should buy my...
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Nice....if I get anymore feedback like I got this morning.....well lets just say I am done with the whole scene.
strange days indeed...


just typing weird tonight.

I'm BACK!!
been riding the BMX bike like a fucking fiend. its making my ass hurt. but its probably good because my legs hurt too and that must mean i am doing something good.

recurrring sexual fantasies keeping me up at night....

I'm actually NOT drunk tonight and going to bed at a reasonable time! I'm so proud of me. I plan on taking a friend...
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They keep you up too? skull

I finally feel normal again.

some thanks:

to my friends for supporting me thru all the shit I've been thru this year

to Gersguy for getting me a membership to SG and making my life a whole lot brighter

to coca cola, red bull and jagermeister for enhancing my life

and to a certain male, for some much needed dick!

I am...
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Eat cheese huh?
Looks like you have been eating the blue cheese in that town.

See you tomorrow.