did the fiesta. good time. came home because i was within 5 miles of my own home.

had a grat time with the FNC, a group of us hanging out on fridays.

mexican fiesta. yum.

finally got the internet back.

got drunk with the FNC last night. and had someone actually tell me, more than once, thank you for existing!

apparently i am COOL. and whats funny, i wouldnt be afriad to bring my hot friends around him (he is single) because i think he digs my utter strangeness.

my friend did tarot on me. in a nutshell, it said...
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There you are. Good to have you back.
And I think about my loves
Well, I've had a few
Well, I'm sorry that I hurt them
Did I hurt you too?
I took what I wanted
Put my heart on the shelf
But how can you love me when you don't love yourself?
It was me against the world
I was sure that I'd win
The world fought back, punished me for my...
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Hopefully you are back today....you did say Wednesday right?
Dammit......if I had a camera ready.
I popped my Social D cherry after 14 years!!!! finally went to see them after all this time. and in 14 years of seeing punk shows, that was seriously the biggest pit i have EVER fucking seen in the rave. or any venue of similar size. the crowd went absolutely NUTS. hope my pics turned out. used a disposable camera. i was seriously getting knocked...
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Sounds like the same show....that they have been doing, but hopefully it is different. Glad you guys had a good time....see you in a few days.
trying in vain to get the lumps out of the instant mashed potatoes i just made. they also now officially have half a stick of butter in them. real butter. true wisconsin girl!

bleah. i guess i am not getting any excersize tonight lounging and eating potatoes, unless i get on the skates real soon. doubtful.

damn. need to skate.

in other news, went to...
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I know a girl who warns the dangers of love
all the pain and the anguish, the sorrow that it brings
she keeps herself in a world that's protected
her outsides are tough
but inside her heart longs to sing
went to the bar with Gersguys sissies. fun times.

no hotdogs though. and no boys.

oh well!
gettin ready to go to the local dive bar.

25 cent hot dogs, 25 cent tappers. a coworker today said "I could feed my family of four on 2 dollars! of course, the kids would have to drink beer." So that should be a good time. gotta go to the grocery store and pay with a check, get some jukebox money. and drinking money. but...
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hello.... is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me....
is there anyone at home?

little distracted lately.

its a good distraction.

Yellow......I'm here.
Yes, it was a good time.

One time you were my baby chicken
Now you've grown into a fox
And once upon a time I was your little rooster
Am I just one of your cocks?

It's rough justice, oh yeah!
You're gonna have to trust me
It's rough justice
But you know I never break your heart

So put your lips to my hips baby
And tell me what's on...
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i failed to mention that yesterday i woke up SCREAMING from a charley horse in the muscle behind my knee. that sucked. now i am looking at underwear online. yay! found the dress i need for a friends wedding.... i clean up real nice.

hope to make some progress in the boy dept.... but not holding my breath. at all.

Where do you get your rollerskates from? seriously.

I had a charley horse like that the other day. I hate those, you go from a dead sleep to hopping around screaming in 2 seconds.
got a little too drunk last night. dreamt crazy dreams. woke up severely hungover at about 7:30, downed a coke and some ibuprofen. feeling better now. sun drop.

yeah i just sucked down a whole sundrop in NANOSECONDS.

on my third pop of the day. its not yet noon.

Stromboli's with all the fixin's.....or how about a breakfast stromboli? Crap...now I want one. Going to the pizza joint up the street.
i am on cloud 9....

sang and danced with my crazy friends last night. threw it down on the peppers "give it away." i think they were amazed that I knew all the words.

we had a blast.

went jeepin.

mmmmmm..... fun.