Blaargh think I'm coming down with a cold didnt feal like doing anything today but managed to get into town and go to the workshop to finish off an order.
I also got a Pirate shower curtain , everybody loves a Jolly Roger in the bathroom!
Anyway most the weekend was good and birthday went well.
Fran came up from london on Friday , we stayed in Friday night and watched the Hunger as she hadn't seen it before!
Saturday daytime I packed up the stall and then got the house ready for people coming round , had a lot of candles lit and flashing lights on by the evening!
Carrie was the first round to mine and then Lonnie n Doug got some nice pressie including a bracelet with pics of the virgin mary and the pope etc on it that glowed well in my UV light! We'd got through quite a bit of wine by the time Jill, Emma n Dom turned up and then we all Headed off to Nigthmare.
Had a good tiem at Nightmar emainly talking to people, didnt dance much , we ended up at a party back ay Mike and Jame fox's for a bit as well but didnt stay to late!
Felt a bit poo on sunday lunchtime when I had to get up and go to Derby to do thet stall. Carnival of Souls ended up being a bit crap, although the venue was better than last years, it was very quiet and most people didnt turn up till late. I only sold one coat which was annoying. Jay wore some of my stuff in the fashion show but i think it was only other stall holders watching that! We packed up n headed home about 11 and it wasnt long before I was in bed!
I was back at the tatttooist monday afternoon having the touching up on a old tattoo finished and I'm booked in again on the 14th of nov to have more done on my left arm!
going to be in London again on saturday and we are going out the The Trailer Pussy show at the Purple Turtle looks like it will be a fun night.

I also got a Pirate shower curtain , everybody loves a Jolly Roger in the bathroom!
Anyway most the weekend was good and birthday went well.
Fran came up from london on Friday , we stayed in Friday night and watched the Hunger as she hadn't seen it before!
Saturday daytime I packed up the stall and then got the house ready for people coming round , had a lot of candles lit and flashing lights on by the evening!
Carrie was the first round to mine and then Lonnie n Doug got some nice pressie including a bracelet with pics of the virgin mary and the pope etc on it that glowed well in my UV light! We'd got through quite a bit of wine by the time Jill, Emma n Dom turned up and then we all Headed off to Nigthmare.
Had a good tiem at Nightmar emainly talking to people, didnt dance much , we ended up at a party back ay Mike and Jame fox's for a bit as well but didnt stay to late!
Felt a bit poo on sunday lunchtime when I had to get up and go to Derby to do thet stall. Carnival of Souls ended up being a bit crap, although the venue was better than last years, it was very quiet and most people didnt turn up till late. I only sold one coat which was annoying. Jay wore some of my stuff in the fashion show but i think it was only other stall holders watching that! We packed up n headed home about 11 and it wasnt long before I was in bed!
I was back at the tatttooist monday afternoon having the touching up on a old tattoo finished and I'm booked in again on the 14th of nov to have more done on my left arm!
going to be in London again on saturday and we are going out the The Trailer Pussy show at the Purple Turtle looks like it will be a fun night.

Yay for tattoos!!!
Yay for being in bed!