Just got back from the workshop , had another busy weekend and am very tired today still managed to meet people for lunch at the Sal and make a coat for stock so thats not to bad!
Me n the franster went out to nightmare on Friday night . Quite like the new venue it's a good size and drinks were cheap! and sa wlots of people we hadnt seen much of recentlyso that was cool. I didnt stay right until the end because of having to do stuff on saturday but it was a good night.
Bit hungover on saturday morning bloody cheap drinks doh! spent the day packing up the stall for Beyond the Veil then Fran came round and we went off to astrofeline's birthday party. I wore one of my cassocks from stock and Fran went as a wood nympth. There were lots of good costumes espialy charlie's jesus outfit , I'll post pics when i load them onto my PC!
The party was lots of fun and acidently stayed a lot later than I meant , and it was still in full swing when i left!
Got up early on Sunday and we drove up to leeds for Beyond the Veil foudn the venue easily even tho I hadnt been there in years. The day was very slow, quite a lot of people there but they wernt really bothering with the stalls , still sold a coat and a kilt n got some orders so it wasnt to bad. Didnt get to see most of the bands but Trauma Pet were ok and watched a bit o fArdor who were very silly , I dotn think Germanic industrial beats really go with bagpipes but at least they'd dressed up nicely for the occasion!
this site kept us amused at the party! http://www.askaninja.com/
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Trauma Pet
Me n the franster went out to nightmare on Friday night . Quite like the new venue it's a good size and drinks were cheap! and sa wlots of people we hadnt seen much of recentlyso that was cool. I didnt stay right until the end because of having to do stuff on saturday but it was a good night.
Bit hungover on saturday morning bloody cheap drinks doh! spent the day packing up the stall for Beyond the Veil then Fran came round and we went off to astrofeline's birthday party. I wore one of my cassocks from stock and Fran went as a wood nympth. There were lots of good costumes espialy charlie's jesus outfit , I'll post pics when i load them onto my PC!
The party was lots of fun and acidently stayed a lot later than I meant , and it was still in full swing when i left!
Got up early on Sunday and we drove up to leeds for Beyond the Veil foudn the venue easily even tho I hadnt been there in years. The day was very slow, quite a lot of people there but they wernt really bothering with the stalls , still sold a coat and a kilt n got some orders so it wasnt to bad. Didnt get to see most of the bands but Trauma Pet were ok and watched a bit o fArdor who were very silly , I dotn think Germanic industrial beats really go with bagpipes but at least they'd dressed up nicely for the occasion!
this site kept us amused at the party! http://www.askaninja.com/
Current Mood: busy
Current Music: Trauma Pet
helloo and thanks for the add! i was at the photoshoot with Fran before you went to Stay Beautiful, was most fun! was meant to be going to Nightmare, but i had no pennies...
but glad you had a good time!

You're always such a busy bee!!!