Finally back on the net after being muck about by bt most of the week and it still isnt working properly
Spent most the week fealing ill with cold and painfull widom teeth had to change dentists so that I could actually get an apointment, have to go see them at ten tomorw morinig
Had a good night on valentines we had a nice meal at Lantong Thai and then went to see Breakfast at Tiffanys at Broadway which was funnier then I rembered it being, I think Fran liked her presents to!
On wednesday night I went round To Carrie n Carters fopr films! we watched Azumi which is by the person that did Versus, it was good and had a nice lad Assaisin! then we watched H a korean film which was rather strange but also very good. Carter lent me the first part of the second season on Lost so I spent thursday night shut in watching that!
On tuesday a couple of swedish guys who were in Nottingham for a week working up at the uni, came round to the workshop and bought three jackets, a coat , and a skirt! so that helped with money for the weekend!
Adm las t night we wnt out to Magenta then to sunglasses at night Quickly and then to a party. Had a very good night, Polos dj set was good, and I think Sarah and alex had fun on there birthdays! and was good to see lots of people out n chat to them.
Made it inot town today and met up with Juliette and Arwen which was nice as we hant seen them in awhile.
Going out the Wake tonight which should be good as long as I dont fall asleep!
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Leaether Strip

Spent most the week fealing ill with cold and painfull widom teeth had to change dentists so that I could actually get an apointment, have to go see them at ten tomorw morinig

Had a good night on valentines we had a nice meal at Lantong Thai and then went to see Breakfast at Tiffanys at Broadway which was funnier then I rembered it being, I think Fran liked her presents to!
On wednesday night I went round To Carrie n Carters fopr films! we watched Azumi which is by the person that did Versus, it was good and had a nice lad Assaisin! then we watched H a korean film which was rather strange but also very good. Carter lent me the first part of the second season on Lost so I spent thursday night shut in watching that!
On tuesday a couple of swedish guys who were in Nottingham for a week working up at the uni, came round to the workshop and bought three jackets, a coat , and a skirt! so that helped with money for the weekend!
Adm las t night we wnt out to Magenta then to sunglasses at night Quickly and then to a party. Had a very good night, Polos dj set was good, and I think Sarah and alex had fun on there birthdays! and was good to see lots of people out n chat to them.
Made it inot town today and met up with Juliette and Arwen which was nice as we hant seen them in awhile.
Going out the Wake tonight which should be good as long as I dont fall asleep!
Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Leaether Strip
nekromantics are at the underworld..check here
although your up north so they may be playing somewhere a little closer to you...?