Blaargh think I'm coming down with a cold didnt feal like doing anything today but managed to get into town and go to the workshop to finish off an order.
I also got a Pirate shower curtain , everybody loves a Jolly Roger in the bathroom!
Anyway most the weekend was good and birthday went well.
Fran came up from london on Friday , we...
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I also got a Pirate shower curtain , everybody loves a Jolly Roger in the bathroom!
Anyway most the weekend was good and birthday went well.
Fran came up from london on Friday , we...
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Yay for tattoos!!!
Yay for being in bed!
Had another busy weekend, quite a fun one but I could do with a rest!
Went round to technomouse and peskynympth's on thursday nigth , only saw carter for a few minutes as he had to go to bed coz he was drunk! So me n Carrie watched Taxi a french film which is funny and then we watched lots of jrock videos on you...
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Went round to technomouse and peskynympth's on thursday nigth , only saw carter for a few minutes as he had to go to bed coz he was drunk! So me n Carrie watched Taxi a french film which is funny and then we watched lots of jrock videos on you...
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yeah was cool
sounds like you had a good un aswell
sounds like you had a good un aswell

Aw, thanks for the good luck message!

Well for some reason today when I log on to SG I'm only getting txt and no pics or artwork which is a bit shit and the help page isnt working hope this sorts itself out soon 

no pics? EEEEK that kind of defeats the purpose then doesn't it ?!
Thnx for the birthday wish
30 hasn't been so bad yet.
Thnx for the birthday wish

Current mood: tired
Current music: Zombina and the Skeletones
Had another busy weekend and we were actually in Nottingham for once!
Fran came up from london on friday and we went to see Pirates Dead man's Chest . It was ok quite fun though there should have been more Johnny Depp in it and less Orlando Bloom coz he is a bumhead!
On Saturday we...
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Current music: Zombina and the Skeletones
Had another busy weekend and we were actually in Nottingham for once!
Fran came up from london on friday and we went to see Pirates Dead man's Chest . It was ok quite fun though there should have been more Johnny Depp in it and less Orlando Bloom coz he is a bumhead!
On Saturday we...
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Ooh it's the Solstice today, supose all the hippys with no jobs will be down at Stone Henge grrr!
Anyway supose it's time for an update, seem to have been in the workshop a lot the last two days.
Have got a meeting with Creative Launchpad in a bit were docotr_tron works, not sure what to expect from it hope they dont want me to...
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Anyway supose it's time for an update, seem to have been in the workshop a lot the last two days.
Have got a meeting with Creative Launchpad in a bit were docotr_tron works, not sure what to expect from it hope they dont want me to...
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o0o0, sweet
Have a good weekend! xoxox
o0o0, sweet

You do sound very busy. Thanks for the comment. I don't even have goth clubs in my city, I have to drive two hours to New Orleans for that, and I still haven't managed to go into one. I usually just go to N.O. for a concert or sight seeing.

Off to London again in a bit, and tomrow me and Fran will be in exocitc Milton Kenyes for most the day as Fran has a photoshoot there. We where going to go to Slimelight on the Saturday night as we havn't been in ages but Fran's been a bit ill this week and after the photoshoot we might not feal like going out.
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Glad you liked it

the grit are fookin great!!
we got your cards on the counter at our shop
we got your cards on the counter at our shop

It's still to hot for me but at least we had a thunder storm earlier that was nice!
Been making lots of pinstripe stuff today , mainly for stock for Infestblooworzel will be pleased to know I've started on some trousers so he can try them on soon!
Got the train down to London on friday headed over to Fran's. London was very hot so...
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Been making lots of pinstripe stuff today , mainly for stock for Infestblooworzel will be pleased to know I've started on some trousers so he can try them on soon!
Got the train down to London on friday headed over to Fran's. London was very hot so...
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Argh it's been to hot for me today. Just got back from Carrie n Carter's , we watched Dead and Buried which was fun!
Went to Charlie's satanic party on tuesday night. Had a good time and it was good to see people, but I got a bit down and felt apart from things towards the end, oh well probably shouldn't drink that much during...
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Went to Charlie's satanic party on tuesday night. Had a good time and it was good to see people, but I got a bit down and felt apart from things towards the end, oh well probably shouldn't drink that much during...
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Ooooh Dead & Buried! Have fun! They have air conditioning

"Oh well, probably shouldn't drink that much during the week."
Bah! What fun is that?
Bah! What fun is that?
Had a nice weekend.
Me n the Franster went to Kyrogenix on saturday night , had a fun time and it was nice to see nottingham people again!
Went back to Evo's afterwards for a bit of a birthday do, played with his surprisingly detailed action man style Nazi General doll, cant remeber which General it's suposed to be but it is very wron and...
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Me n the Franster went to Kyrogenix on saturday night , had a fun time and it was nice to see nottingham people again!
Went back to Evo's afterwards for a bit of a birthday do, played with his surprisingly detailed action man style Nazi General doll, cant remeber which General it's suposed to be but it is very wron and...
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ahhh your a sweetie...but the corset stayed done up
How's your clothing business going? YOu don't make corsets do you

How's your clothing business going? YOu don't make corsets do you

Went to see Tiger Army on thursday night , took my little brother with as he is visiting for a couple of days. Think he enjiyed! Disco 2 was veyr hot and packed with punks, took awhile to get to the bar!
Dragster the first band on were good , the vocalist has a good shouty voice and she spent most the set climbing on...
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Dragster the first band on were good , the vocalist has a good shouty voice and she spent most the set climbing on...
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I missed Tiger Army when they were here due to my welding class. A coworker went & got this awesome T-shirt with a ouiji board design on it. I should get one of those shirts! 
