I know, I know. I never write, and I'm a bad person.
But when you think Superflea, don't you think love? Don't it make you all warm and fuzzy inside?
Oh yeah.
Anyways - if you haven't read my posts recently, here is everything you need to know to catch up on me. It's worth it to me to keep that info fresh for a little bit. I've had a really hard go of it for a while, and I don't want to get all emo... I don't want to be one of those sad bastards with absolutely nothing better to do than whine in their blog about the sorry state of their existence. I hit a bad patch, and I'm ready to start dealing with putting it behind me. Also, if you wanna know why I haven't been making smart alecky comments all over your journals, that's why.
So there it is. I hope I'm still in the clubhouse.
I'm two weeks into my new job in our Design Department, and I love it. It's hard work, and it's a lot to learn, and it's intimidating - but it's also exhilirating. I feel challenged and I feel valuable and I haven't been up late with that awful feeling in my stomach as I dread the future since I got offered this new opportunity.
It's pretty bitchin'.
(Irrelevant aside for the geek set: I'm getting my third piece of Lightforge Armor in the mail from my guild in World of Warcraft. w00t!)
The girl and I had an interesting talk when I found a white hair among her gorgeous dark hair. This led to a conversation of biological clocks and such. No pressure or anything weird. No ultimatums. Just chattin'. It's interesting. We're both taking our time getting used to what still feels like a new relationship. We both want kids. I want to get married (not in any specific way, but just in general) more than she does (again - we're not talking about us... so stop panicking ladies!), but we both wanna start a family.
And sometimes I think it's great to take things really slow and build a rock solid foundation and take careful deliberate steps...
And other times I think if you can find somebody who's crazy enough to love you and you're crazy enough to love them back... then why the hell not dig in and enjoy the ride?
Just thinking out loud.
Anyways - I haven't yet expounded upon my fabled (and long overdue) dinner with Dogslife and Ginny, and it's late so I'm not gonna do it here either. I suck!
But you two really need to come and enjoy the hospitality of my neck of the woods very soon. Bring chickie with you too. I can promise exquisite milkshakes, unsurpassed gourmet pizza, thai restaurants that actually expect more than two people at a time to show up. And when we're not eating... uh... I don't know. We'll figure something out.
I'll show the Dog my guitars and we'll geek while the womenfolk roll their eyes at us.
Dholokhov, you better get your arse out at some point too.
Doughty in a few short weeks. I'm thrilled.
Taxes are due this week. I haven't even begun to prepare.
And in brief - I'm okay. And that's pretty good.
PS - My heart will always belong to MistressRory. Just sayin'.
PPS - My current musical fascination is Sweatshop Union. If politically conscious hip hop is your bag, give them a listen. Akira my man, this one's for you.
But when you think Superflea, don't you think love? Don't it make you all warm and fuzzy inside?
Oh yeah.
Anyways - if you haven't read my posts recently, here is everything you need to know to catch up on me. It's worth it to me to keep that info fresh for a little bit. I've had a really hard go of it for a while, and I don't want to get all emo... I don't want to be one of those sad bastards with absolutely nothing better to do than whine in their blog about the sorry state of their existence. I hit a bad patch, and I'm ready to start dealing with putting it behind me. Also, if you wanna know why I haven't been making smart alecky comments all over your journals, that's why.
So there it is. I hope I'm still in the clubhouse.
I'm two weeks into my new job in our Design Department, and I love it. It's hard work, and it's a lot to learn, and it's intimidating - but it's also exhilirating. I feel challenged and I feel valuable and I haven't been up late with that awful feeling in my stomach as I dread the future since I got offered this new opportunity.
It's pretty bitchin'.
(Irrelevant aside for the geek set: I'm getting my third piece of Lightforge Armor in the mail from my guild in World of Warcraft. w00t!)
The girl and I had an interesting talk when I found a white hair among her gorgeous dark hair. This led to a conversation of biological clocks and such. No pressure or anything weird. No ultimatums. Just chattin'. It's interesting. We're both taking our time getting used to what still feels like a new relationship. We both want kids. I want to get married (not in any specific way, but just in general) more than she does (again - we're not talking about us... so stop panicking ladies!), but we both wanna start a family.
And sometimes I think it's great to take things really slow and build a rock solid foundation and take careful deliberate steps...
And other times I think if you can find somebody who's crazy enough to love you and you're crazy enough to love them back... then why the hell not dig in and enjoy the ride?
Just thinking out loud.
Anyways - I haven't yet expounded upon my fabled (and long overdue) dinner with Dogslife and Ginny, and it's late so I'm not gonna do it here either. I suck!
But you two really need to come and enjoy the hospitality of my neck of the woods very soon. Bring chickie with you too. I can promise exquisite milkshakes, unsurpassed gourmet pizza, thai restaurants that actually expect more than two people at a time to show up. And when we're not eating... uh... I don't know. We'll figure something out.
I'll show the Dog my guitars and we'll geek while the womenfolk roll their eyes at us.
Dholokhov, you better get your arse out at some point too.
Doughty in a few short weeks. I'm thrilled.
Taxes are due this week. I haven't even begun to prepare.
And in brief - I'm okay. And that's pretty good.
PS - My heart will always belong to MistressRory. Just sayin'.
PPS - My current musical fascination is Sweatshop Union. If politically conscious hip hop is your bag, give them a listen. Akira my man, this one's for you.
I never right as well. I don't even read half of the time.
well, that sounds like fun, but where, exactly, is here?