I think it's a sad commentary on my life when one of my friends observes: "You must be really sick if you're staying home on the day that the Warcraft servers are down for maintenance."
Especially on a day where Blizzard attempts to release a patch, which, as always, totally wangs the game.
I've been duking it out with a head cold since last week - the type that leaves you achey and grumpy and tired and the inside of your mouth feels all dry and gross.
I feel a little better today - not quite well yet, but I've moved into the 'drippy' stage, which is both good and bad, depending on your perspective and proximity to tissue.
I played some guitar today - I really have to work on getting my chops up to where they should be. Hell, I'd be happy enough to get them back to where they USED to be.
I dream of dropping an album where all my SG friends make appearances. Only problem - Akira's got SUCH a shitty mic.
Especially on a day where Blizzard attempts to release a patch, which, as always, totally wangs the game.
I've been duking it out with a head cold since last week - the type that leaves you achey and grumpy and tired and the inside of your mouth feels all dry and gross.
I feel a little better today - not quite well yet, but I've moved into the 'drippy' stage, which is both good and bad, depending on your perspective and proximity to tissue.
I played some guitar today - I really have to work on getting my chops up to where they should be. Hell, I'd be happy enough to get them back to where they USED to be.
I dream of dropping an album where all my SG friends make appearances. Only problem - Akira's got SUCH a shitty mic.
