She's continuing to get better, which is amazing, but I think she's taken all the really big steps, so most of what's remaining to be done falls under "Now lie there for two weeks and get better." So she's frustrated, she's bored, and she's homesick.
It's heartbreaking... although I can deal with it because I know it's a necessary step in getting my girl better. But then, I don't have to be in that bed 24 hours a day.
I bought her a portable DVD player the other day, but the reviews I looked up when I got back to the office were atrocious. I looked at some similar models (in the $2-500 range), but it looks like there just isn't a really good option to be had. They sound like they're unreliable and really prone to many faults. So I returned it at the end of the day, deciding to make a purchase only after doing a lot more research and finding an actual good one.
I'm torn - on the one hand, I don't want to get her some piece of crap that will be useless in two weeks. At the same time, some entertainment during those two weeks is tantamount to life support. Does anybody have any experience or advice on a decent portable system?
(Also, I'm a little worried about somebody boosting it, or the binder full of my DVDs that I'd bring in for her. Grr.)
Anyways - my schedule since this all happened has basically been wake up, go to work, hit the highway and go to the hospital, come home, go to bed, repeat. I always check in with the site every day, and I'm always grateful for the warm thoughts and kind wishes, and I hope that everybody knows that I'm not ignoring them. I just seldom have the energy to write back by the time I collapse in my chair for a few minutes at the end of the day. My friends list has only dropped by one in this time (and I can't for the life of me figure out who it is), so hopefully I'm getting a pass for my recent lack of activity. But there's somewhere really important I gotta be.
I'll make up for lost time soon. I hope everybody is all well.
And to the Toronto crew, I really, really, really promise I'm gonna be out there once the dust has settled on all of this. I'd have been at the grrl's party the other week with bells on. I really do want to get out there soon to be either drunk or charming, and ideally both.
Gotta hit the road.
Hang in there, sweetie.