I really need to get cable. Well, what I really need to do is start leaving the house more. But knowing my distaste for all things "outside" (there are, after all, bears outside), cable might be a more feasible option.
I also need to start writing more music again, but that's a different issue.
I've been bored this week. REALLY bored. This is hard to achieve with walls of toys, DVDs, games, and books, but I manage. It's part of me battling through this latest phase of my own personal drama, which I really don't want to get into because I dread becoming one of those people with nothing better to do than serial moping in their web journal.
Most of you reading probably know what it is. I know I'll be fine. It's just been a bad week is all.
To combat this boredom, I've been turning to the TV. In absence of anything good being on the four channels that are goodly enough to make their way down my antenna, I go back to the DVDs. I have a bunch of films on the wall that I've never seen, but I'm not in the mood for anything new right now. I want comfort entertainment. I want something warm and familiar. (Vice City, for instance, is back in the XBox, despite my 200+ hours already spent joyriding around its glorious landscape.) The catch there is that I don't want to see anything I've already seen too many times. Throwing on season 1 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force yet again isn't going to do much, for instance. (The exception is High Fidelity, which I fully expect to watch five hundred more times before I die, or at least go blind. You know. From the masturbating.)
So today I decided to throw on stalwart favourite and all around awesome movie 24 Hour Party People.
There's one scene in which the main character offers some change to a beggar on the street, and is told the following:
"I'm Boethius - author of The Consolation of Philosophy. It's my belief that history is a wheel. 'In constancy is my very essence,' says the wheel. 'Rise up on my spokes if you like, but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths. Good times pass away, but then so do the bad. Mutability is our tragedy, but it's also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away.'"
I find this tremendously comforting today.
I'm going outside. Mercifully, my DVD burner was able to read my copy of Catherine Wheel's "Adam and Eve" that I think my car stereo ate, so I now have a safety burn to keep in the car. A little sunshine, good music, driving, and some groceries will probably make my day go much better.
And I'll probably stop off at Chapters to pick up some Starbucks and some Boethius.
UPDATE: I just saw my profile in the random scroll on the Hookup page for the first time today!
FURTHER UPDATE: It really pisses me off whenever something about RIAA lawsuits shows up on the main page here, because I can't avoid it. I can steer clear of most ignorance on the boards because I hardly ever go into them. But when I'm confronted by this fucking bullshit as soon as I hit the site, it always pisses me off. How thrilled do these assholes think Missy is, for instance, with the idea that probably every photo on the site is floating around on Kazaa somewhere? What is so fucking wrong with trying to protect peoples' creative works? I'm reminded of John Cusack's line about not feeling pity for his victims in Grosse Point Blank. If he shows up at your door, you did something to bring him there. The RIAA isn't going around being randomly punitive. You're stealing, fuckbag. Lose the Robin Hood complex and support a fucking artist for a change.
I've said it before, and I'll repeat it here:
If you genuinely think that the RIAA are the bad guys here, then you do not sufficiently understand the issues.
I also need to start writing more music again, but that's a different issue.
I've been bored this week. REALLY bored. This is hard to achieve with walls of toys, DVDs, games, and books, but I manage. It's part of me battling through this latest phase of my own personal drama, which I really don't want to get into because I dread becoming one of those people with nothing better to do than serial moping in their web journal.
Most of you reading probably know what it is. I know I'll be fine. It's just been a bad week is all.
To combat this boredom, I've been turning to the TV. In absence of anything good being on the four channels that are goodly enough to make their way down my antenna, I go back to the DVDs. I have a bunch of films on the wall that I've never seen, but I'm not in the mood for anything new right now. I want comfort entertainment. I want something warm and familiar. (Vice City, for instance, is back in the XBox, despite my 200+ hours already spent joyriding around its glorious landscape.) The catch there is that I don't want to see anything I've already seen too many times. Throwing on season 1 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force yet again isn't going to do much, for instance. (The exception is High Fidelity, which I fully expect to watch five hundred more times before I die, or at least go blind. You know. From the masturbating.)
So today I decided to throw on stalwart favourite and all around awesome movie 24 Hour Party People.
There's one scene in which the main character offers some change to a beggar on the street, and is told the following:
"I'm Boethius - author of The Consolation of Philosophy. It's my belief that history is a wheel. 'In constancy is my very essence,' says the wheel. 'Rise up on my spokes if you like, but don't complain when you're cast back down into the depths. Good times pass away, but then so do the bad. Mutability is our tragedy, but it's also our hope. The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away.'"
I find this tremendously comforting today.
I'm going outside. Mercifully, my DVD burner was able to read my copy of Catherine Wheel's "Adam and Eve" that I think my car stereo ate, so I now have a safety burn to keep in the car. A little sunshine, good music, driving, and some groceries will probably make my day go much better.
And I'll probably stop off at Chapters to pick up some Starbucks and some Boethius.
UPDATE: I just saw my profile in the random scroll on the Hookup page for the first time today!
FURTHER UPDATE: It really pisses me off whenever something about RIAA lawsuits shows up on the main page here, because I can't avoid it. I can steer clear of most ignorance on the boards because I hardly ever go into them. But when I'm confronted by this fucking bullshit as soon as I hit the site, it always pisses me off. How thrilled do these assholes think Missy is, for instance, with the idea that probably every photo on the site is floating around on Kazaa somewhere? What is so fucking wrong with trying to protect peoples' creative works? I'm reminded of John Cusack's line about not feeling pity for his victims in Grosse Point Blank. If he shows up at your door, you did something to bring him there. The RIAA isn't going around being randomly punitive. You're stealing, fuckbag. Lose the Robin Hood complex and support a fucking artist for a change.
I've said it before, and I'll repeat it here:
If you genuinely think that the RIAA are the bad guys here, then you do not sufficiently understand the issues.
