This is the type of guy I am.
I read the other day that The Beta Band is breaking up, citing the difficulties in being a hardworking band that has crafted a string of critically successful albums that just didn't perform commercially.
The only Beta Band song I'd ever heard was "Dry The Rain", on the "High Fidelity" soundtrack. I loved it.
But even with that limited exposure, I decided today that it would be worthwhile to pick up three of their albums. (I would have picked up more if the Best Buy had any more of them in.) I wanted to give them my money. It's not gonna change their mind, certainly. Hell, I'm just mainly giving my money to their labels. My $60 act of altruism probably netted them a good three bucks. Three bucks Canadian, no less.
But it's important to support the guys who are colouring outside the lines. There's still art to be found, even if most people will never bother to look for it.
And I got to walk around the store proudly proclaiming to my ex every few minutes: "I will now sell five copies of The Three E.P.s by The Beta Band."
Anyway - I guess the really important thing is that I'm going to see the Cure tomorrow.
Can't wait!!!
dholokhov, I tried sending you an email but it bounced back to me. We probably won't be able to hook up at the show because I'm leaving work and heading right to Toronto, and probably won't be there until after the show has officially started. But if I spot the shoes at the concession stands, I'll say howdy!!!
Update: I made a mistake with my tickets. For some reason, I thought I was centre stage, 19th row back.
I'm actually 3rd row back.
I read the other day that The Beta Band is breaking up, citing the difficulties in being a hardworking band that has crafted a string of critically successful albums that just didn't perform commercially.
The only Beta Band song I'd ever heard was "Dry The Rain", on the "High Fidelity" soundtrack. I loved it.
But even with that limited exposure, I decided today that it would be worthwhile to pick up three of their albums. (I would have picked up more if the Best Buy had any more of them in.) I wanted to give them my money. It's not gonna change their mind, certainly. Hell, I'm just mainly giving my money to their labels. My $60 act of altruism probably netted them a good three bucks. Three bucks Canadian, no less.
But it's important to support the guys who are colouring outside the lines. There's still art to be found, even if most people will never bother to look for it.
And I got to walk around the store proudly proclaiming to my ex every few minutes: "I will now sell five copies of The Three E.P.s by The Beta Band."
Anyway - I guess the really important thing is that I'm going to see the Cure tomorrow.
Can't wait!!!
dholokhov, I tried sending you an email but it bounced back to me. We probably won't be able to hook up at the show because I'm leaving work and heading right to Toronto, and probably won't be there until after the show has officially started. But if I spot the shoes at the concession stands, I'll say howdy!!!
Update: I made a mistake with my tickets. For some reason, I thought I was centre stage, 19th row back.
I'm actually 3rd row back.
I hate you more now.
Also: The Beta Band is brilliant. I don't own any of their albums, but I would be the pretentious rekkid store clerk who would play them incessently.
Other bands in that vein include: The Doves & Elbow