Argh. Nobody in this city can drive.
I'm convinced that nobody within 100km of here can drive.
I got my first piece of snail mail spam yesterday. I don't mean junk mail... I mean something that was addressed to me (ie Mr. _________, although with no first initial. If you want to know how that is pronounced, ask Flux), and the return address indicated it was from "Angela" (no last name) and an address that turned out to be a local Jehovah's Witness Hall.
It was a handwritten letter indicating that she had been unable to reach me in person (uh huh) but wanted to share the great news of the Bible with me, and included a short tract which evidently offered indisputable proof that the Bible was the literal word of God and a trustworthy, infallible source of information. I scanned it - the English Rhetoric Major in me can never resist bullshit - and the gist seemed to be that "science" had never contradicted the word of the Bible (honest!), and since the Bible was the word of God, and God has never lied to us, that we could therefore trust it without question.
God, it appears, is a Republican.
I have no fundamental problem with religion. I can honestly say that I envy the faithful their faith. I'm just not built for that sort of stuff, and I really resent any form of advertising-style intrusion into my home. "Angela" very nearly received a terse phone call to discover exactly how the fuck she got my name and address.
It is, to me, an interesting irony that my agnosticism has no greater fuel than the faithful. I have a hard time backing a deity with such loose hiring practices.
I finished my sneak preview copy of Six Feet Under's second season. I'm concerned that they seem to already be making the mistake of confusing 'beating up the characters' with 'drama'. I didn't like it as much as the delightful first season, but don't confuse that with distaste. It's still another wonderful drama and I love it, and my girlfriend gets all kinds of kicks out of watching David go at it with "big black sex cop".
Liz Phair must have struck some bizarre promotional deal with the good folk at Apple, because it seems every second song iTunes is picking for background music while I clean up my apartment today is one of hers.
Liz - baby - you know I love you. I already OWN all your records. Yeah, even that last one where everybody blasts you for trying to sound like Avril Lavigne. I'm not saying I'm not happy to hear from you - but wait your turn, okay? The other bands deserve some lovin' while I hunt down dust bunnies too. And at LEAST play "Fuck and Run", okay? I've already heard "Supernova" twice today.
Weekend plans, kids?
(Akira_Li, you don't have to answer, buddy. We already KNOW what your weekend entails, and you better not pause from it long enough to be writing replies!!!
I'm going out tomorrow with a friend from work to check out some arcade cabinets for sale. Clearly, I need an original Mortal Kombat in my office. The geek shall inherit the earth!!! (As far as I know, that one's mine, and I really think it should be the new NHS motto!!!)
I'm convinced that nobody within 100km of here can drive.
I got my first piece of snail mail spam yesterday. I don't mean junk mail... I mean something that was addressed to me (ie Mr. _________, although with no first initial. If you want to know how that is pronounced, ask Flux), and the return address indicated it was from "Angela" (no last name) and an address that turned out to be a local Jehovah's Witness Hall.
It was a handwritten letter indicating that she had been unable to reach me in person (uh huh) but wanted to share the great news of the Bible with me, and included a short tract which evidently offered indisputable proof that the Bible was the literal word of God and a trustworthy, infallible source of information. I scanned it - the English Rhetoric Major in me can never resist bullshit - and the gist seemed to be that "science" had never contradicted the word of the Bible (honest!), and since the Bible was the word of God, and God has never lied to us, that we could therefore trust it without question.
God, it appears, is a Republican.
I have no fundamental problem with religion. I can honestly say that I envy the faithful their faith. I'm just not built for that sort of stuff, and I really resent any form of advertising-style intrusion into my home. "Angela" very nearly received a terse phone call to discover exactly how the fuck she got my name and address.
It is, to me, an interesting irony that my agnosticism has no greater fuel than the faithful. I have a hard time backing a deity with such loose hiring practices.
I finished my sneak preview copy of Six Feet Under's second season. I'm concerned that they seem to already be making the mistake of confusing 'beating up the characters' with 'drama'. I didn't like it as much as the delightful first season, but don't confuse that with distaste. It's still another wonderful drama and I love it, and my girlfriend gets all kinds of kicks out of watching David go at it with "big black sex cop".
Liz Phair must have struck some bizarre promotional deal with the good folk at Apple, because it seems every second song iTunes is picking for background music while I clean up my apartment today is one of hers.
Liz - baby - you know I love you. I already OWN all your records. Yeah, even that last one where everybody blasts you for trying to sound like Avril Lavigne. I'm not saying I'm not happy to hear from you - but wait your turn, okay? The other bands deserve some lovin' while I hunt down dust bunnies too. And at LEAST play "Fuck and Run", okay? I've already heard "Supernova" twice today.
Weekend plans, kids?
(Akira_Li, you don't have to answer, buddy. We already KNOW what your weekend entails, and you better not pause from it long enough to be writing replies!!!

I'm going out tomorrow with a friend from work to check out some arcade cabinets for sale. Clearly, I need an original Mortal Kombat in my office. The geek shall inherit the earth!!! (As far as I know, that one's mine, and I really think it should be the new NHS motto!!!)
"The geet shall inherit the earth" now that's a bumber sticker!