I took the car into Toronto Friday for a friend's wedding. I can't say the experience did much for my theory that driving in Toronto is like some kind of punishment, where lunatics careen by deliberately hoping to hit you. To be fair, the trip in both directions was almost completely uneventful, although their was one total bitch in a white Lexus who seemed positively outraged that I dared to merge into her lane. The idea when a car is getting into your lane is to slow down a touch and leave them a bit of room, and NOT, as this charmer did, to speed up so that by the time the car ahead of you has merged, there is only a few inches between your bumpers while travelling in excess of 100 km/h. Grr.
Still, we got there in plenty of time, and it was a beautiful ceremony. I got to see some guys I haven't seen since high school or university, and there was an absolutely gorgeous girl sitting across the table from me. Despite my gf's surprise, not really knowing what I saw in this girl, the mediterranean look does me in every time. Goooooooood lordy.
Maybe now I'll have the nerve to drive well into the city so I can drop my guitar off for some repairs (this is probably going to be expensive, and I'm really unhappy about it - the first set of strings aren't even off the damned thing, and all I did was change the battery for the first time - ARGH!), and visit some of the awesome SG folk I've been meaning to see.
I've a missed Prom to atone for.
It was really nice to make the drive back here last night. It's nice to have two days to ourselves. No visiting. No lunch dates to keep or catching up to do. Just us, our jammies, some junk food, and some videogames.
Still, we got there in plenty of time, and it was a beautiful ceremony. I got to see some guys I haven't seen since high school or university, and there was an absolutely gorgeous girl sitting across the table from me. Despite my gf's surprise, not really knowing what I saw in this girl, the mediterranean look does me in every time. Goooooooood lordy.
Maybe now I'll have the nerve to drive well into the city so I can drop my guitar off for some repairs (this is probably going to be expensive, and I'm really unhappy about it - the first set of strings aren't even off the damned thing, and all I did was change the battery for the first time - ARGH!), and visit some of the awesome SG folk I've been meaning to see.
I've a missed Prom to atone for.
It was really nice to make the drive back here last night. It's nice to have two days to ourselves. No visiting. No lunch dates to keep or catching up to do. Just us, our jammies, some junk food, and some videogames.
I don't like it. Not one bit.