dogslife and i are apparantly charter members of the photogrrl fan club. who wants in? it'll probably involve a lot of leering, great music, and fancy beers.
after watching the news tonight, i finally understand what the Hip's "Fifty Mission Cap" is about. i gotta admit - i don't give a rat's ass about sports, but when these boys drop in the hockey references, there's something so delightfully... i don't know... Canadian? ... about it all that i just get swept away.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no better lyric about falling in love than You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey, and I never saw someone say that before. (Corrected thanks to Photogrrl, although I never said the line was in 'Fifty Mission Cap", so nyaah.)
i'm still sick and it still sucks and i'm trying very hard not to panic but i can't tell you why.
after watching the news tonight, i finally understand what the Hip's "Fifty Mission Cap" is about. i gotta admit - i don't give a rat's ass about sports, but when these boys drop in the hockey references, there's something so delightfully... i don't know... Canadian? ... about it all that i just get swept away.
As far as I'm concerned, there is no better lyric about falling in love than You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey, and I never saw someone say that before. (Corrected thanks to Photogrrl, although I never said the line was in 'Fifty Mission Cap", so nyaah.)
i'm still sick and it still sucks and i'm trying very hard not to panic but i can't tell you why.
After school I thought a little about med school, but I would have to go back and take undergraduate courses where the possibility existed I could fail. Was more of a lark than a serious idea.
Now? Maybe head of INTERPOL (the actual organization, not the band
"isn't it amazing what you can accomplish, when the little sensation gets in your way?"
Judging from my experience and that of others, cold calling can be successful. If you're fairly familiar with the company's role and have a specific idea about what you could do for it, they can be quite receptive. Never hurts to try, right?
I spent my high school years in Petawawa, if I never hear another Hip song for the rest of my life I will die happy.