So, here's what's new, my lovelies. At the recommendation of the lovely and talented Sorcha and the lovely and talented dogslife, I've just downloaded Mozilla 1.7. We'll try it out for a while and see how it fits. SG displays properly in it, which it didn't in Opera. And printing out a hard copy of the internet and searching it by hand is preferable to using IE, so I'll give it a spin to see if I dig it.
I got my first formal wedding invitation today. It's the wedding of one of my very best friends, who I've known since the fifth grade. We drifted apart during University but have always kept in touch. I'm agonizing a bit over the bachelor party, because it's starting out at a ball game, and even though I realize it makes me a terrible, terrible person, the idea of spending an afternoon watching sports with a bunch of investment bankers that I don't know sounds so dreadfully boring. Maybe I'll meet up with them later.
Regardless, she's a lovely girl, who I immediately liked upon meeting, and I'm excited for them both.
My girlfriend bought me the new Splinter Cell today, and I'm looking forward to firing up the XBox and giving it a test drive later, but she's firmly entrenched with Harvest Moon on the Gamecube, and I don't think it's safe for me to so much as ask if I can get near the TV.
I still can't write a damned lick of music. I know it will come. I think I need some new drum samples. That will make me happy.
I got my first formal wedding invitation today. It's the wedding of one of my very best friends, who I've known since the fifth grade. We drifted apart during University but have always kept in touch. I'm agonizing a bit over the bachelor party, because it's starting out at a ball game, and even though I realize it makes me a terrible, terrible person, the idea of spending an afternoon watching sports with a bunch of investment bankers that I don't know sounds so dreadfully boring. Maybe I'll meet up with them later.

My girlfriend bought me the new Splinter Cell today, and I'm looking forward to firing up the XBox and giving it a test drive later, but she's firmly entrenched with Harvest Moon on the Gamecube, and I don't think it's safe for me to so much as ask if I can get near the TV.
I still can't write a damned lick of music. I know it will come. I think I need some new drum samples. That will make me happy.
Damn right! Who needs girls anyway? They have cooooooooooties.

cooties? i have no cooties! boys have cooties! yucky boys!