I just got back from a week and change in and around Vancouver. I love the West Coast and I had a great time, but now that I'm home, the time difference is kicking my ass. I thought I'd get off easy because I got to bed late on Sunday and had to wake up early for work, so I was hoping that I'd knock off early last night and wake up back on eastern standard time. Unfortunately, that didn't happen, and it was a really slow, groggy start to the morning, saved only by the fact that I don't have to be in the office today.
I'm sure I'll adjust in a day or so. My system is probably just suffering the first stages of sushi deprivation.
I'm sure I'll adjust in a day or so. My system is probably just suffering the first stages of sushi deprivation.

I think this is them but thats not what they were called in the shop
There basically Japanese salad rolls but I cant find out what there actually called in Japan