I can understand as I set this page up that the web site will notify me and visitors (hi, both of you!) which sections have no content. "Superflea has no pictures," etc. But when I clicked on the Friends stuff and the web site said "Superflea has no friends"... well that's just COLD!!!
Got to the end of Neil Young as I copy all my CDs over to the iPod. (Yes, this is seriously the only thing going on in my life right now outside of work.) I start on my Frank Zappa collection tonight. But there are probably another 100 CDs or so since I did my last alphabetizing, so I'll probably be converting for the rest of the weekend.
3621 songs on there now. 10 full days and change of music. (Including 15 Bowie albums, and that's not including the 3 disc Greatest Hits compilation I've got that probably would be redundant to copy over, or the bonus discs I got with Reality and Heathen.)
Got to the end of Neil Young as I copy all my CDs over to the iPod. (Yes, this is seriously the only thing going on in my life right now outside of work.) I start on my Frank Zappa collection tonight. But there are probably another 100 CDs or so since I did my last alphabetizing, so I'll probably be converting for the rest of the weekend.
3621 songs on there now. 10 full days and change of music. (Including 15 Bowie albums, and that's not including the 3 disc Greatest Hits compilation I've got that probably would be redundant to copy over, or the bonus discs I got with Reality and Heathen.)