Entirely too long since I've posted here, I suspect.
Contrary to my last post, I finally did get a wireless networking up and happening, although the accursed PS3 doesn't like it, despite being hard-wired into the router. Oh well. At least the Macbook and the Wii see it, so that's nice.
Of recent pop-cultury style stuff... the girl and I spent Harry Potter day on her balcony in the sun, sipping cold drinks and marathon-ing through the two copies of Harry Potter and the Temple of Doom that got delivered within a half hour of she and I waking up. Beat the hell of of standing in line, even though the nearest bookseller is probably not a five minute walk away from her pad. I think it was the best in the series, and a satisfying conclusion.
The latest Nine Inch Nails album has finally made it into my playlist, and I think it might have a shot at my all time top ten. I like Trent more and more as he goes on.
In SG news, it's a bit of a drag that so many of my friends have gone grey, and I find my online pursuits tending elsewhere. If you stopped by to read this, there's a really good chance that either I still want to stay in touch, or that I'm bummed that we didn't get to know one another better. There are a lot of awesome people on my friends list still.
I'm still around, and I still stop by to see how folks are doing, so if you miss me, do say hi.
I'm around - just usually elsewhere. Perhaps SG will work its way back to its former glory as the essential part of my daily social routine, and perhaps I'll just fade into greyness along with so many on my list.
Not to be maudlin about it - just observing.
Anyways - Flea out. If you need me - just shine the Fleasignal (tm).
Contrary to my last post, I finally did get a wireless networking up and happening, although the accursed PS3 doesn't like it, despite being hard-wired into the router. Oh well. At least the Macbook and the Wii see it, so that's nice.
Of recent pop-cultury style stuff... the girl and I spent Harry Potter day on her balcony in the sun, sipping cold drinks and marathon-ing through the two copies of Harry Potter and the Temple of Doom that got delivered within a half hour of she and I waking up. Beat the hell of of standing in line, even though the nearest bookseller is probably not a five minute walk away from her pad. I think it was the best in the series, and a satisfying conclusion.
The latest Nine Inch Nails album has finally made it into my playlist, and I think it might have a shot at my all time top ten. I like Trent more and more as he goes on.
In SG news, it's a bit of a drag that so many of my friends have gone grey, and I find my online pursuits tending elsewhere. If you stopped by to read this, there's a really good chance that either I still want to stay in touch, or that I'm bummed that we didn't get to know one another better. There are a lot of awesome people on my friends list still.

I'm still around, and I still stop by to see how folks are doing, so if you miss me, do say hi.

Not to be maudlin about it - just observing.

Anyways - Flea out. If you need me - just shine the Fleasignal (tm).
Andy McKee is neat, and I'm always pleased not to be subjected to rhythmically challenged hyper-frettery when someone gives me a name to check out on Youtube*, but he's just not my cup of tea.
Duff's Wings (mentioned above by my intended) is on Bayview, which'd be easily reached on a school night and would even permit all to imbibe!
*Not that you'd be so crass, but if you know what I mean.