yikes. it seems like i haven't been online in forever... it's been a crazy (but good) couple weeks since i've last been here.
virtue came to visit me for her birthday / v-day... we had lots of fun. she made me tasty pink and red cupcakes for v-day. saturday we hung out in nyc just walking around in the cold. i can't wait until it gets warmer... i love just walking around with no specific agenda.
i've had two 'interviews' for a promotion at work. unofficially, it's mine, which is cool, but i'm sensing that it's going to be a little more stressful than what i'm doing now. also, i'm going to actually have to start going to work on time for the first time in 4 years. which i'm not looking forward to.
i hope you are all doing well. i promise to leave you all comments soon.

virtue came to visit me for her birthday / v-day... we had lots of fun. she made me tasty pink and red cupcakes for v-day. saturday we hung out in nyc just walking around in the cold. i can't wait until it gets warmer... i love just walking around with no specific agenda.
i've had two 'interviews' for a promotion at work. unofficially, it's mine, which is cool, but i'm sensing that it's going to be a little more stressful than what i'm doing now. also, i'm going to actually have to start going to work on time for the first time in 4 years. which i'm not looking forward to.

i hope you are all doing well. i promise to leave you all comments soon.

dont' laugh now..but we are actually thinking of the name 'lyric bradley' if it's a boy. for some reason everyone actually loves it.