so, i didn't win the mega millions on friday night... in fact i didn't even match a single number out of 5 games... how lame is that?
so, i have to unspend my imaginary money and snap back into the real world... it was nice to dream for a couple days... and read what you all would do with too much money!
the past two nights i've spent hanging out with two of my good friends from here... nothing too exciting... just hanging out and talking and eating and drinking.
i have a lot of things to do the next couple days... i have to do a round of updates on a website i'm working on... i have to clean my house and do laundry... i have to put stuff up on ebay... i have to ship out some stuff i sold on ebay... and on and on...
tuesday night, i'm hopefully going to see my homegirl rxqueen and possibly bring her back upstate with me for a little while.
anyway, enough rambling... hopefully you all had good weekends and i love you all!

so, i have to unspend my imaginary money and snap back into the real world... it was nice to dream for a couple days... and read what you all would do with too much money!

the past two nights i've spent hanging out with two of my good friends from here... nothing too exciting... just hanging out and talking and eating and drinking.

i have a lot of things to do the next couple days... i have to do a round of updates on a website i'm working on... i have to clean my house and do laundry... i have to put stuff up on ebay... i have to ship out some stuff i sold on ebay... and on and on...
tuesday night, i'm hopefully going to see my homegirl rxqueen and possibly bring her back upstate with me for a little while.

anyway, enough rambling... hopefully you all had good weekends and i love you all!


i miss you.

I need to get stuff done the next couple of days too. I'm acually looking forward to cleaning this weekend. I really need to clean. THis week was hell and my apartment is covered in clothes and crap. thank god for weekends.