today, started out slowly... really slowly. less than 2 hours of sound sleep. then 8 hours of work... (how are you feeling today mamabunny?)
work today, one of the big-wig specialists was there and she's been giving us shit lately, but she was incredibly nice to me today... she was halfway out the door when she turned around and came back to talk to me and ask how i was doing, 'cause the last time i saw her i was pretty bummed...
she asked how my interview went... i tried to keep it hush-hush at work... but it seems like everyone knew, anyhow. i told her that i still hadn't heard back and told her about how i was passed up for the promotion at work... and she was mad. so she went to talk to my manager... and he came down and interviewed me for it later in the day! he said he'd let me know early next week... it's nothing major... but it's at least a $1.50 - $2 raise and full time... so... that's better than nothing, at least until i find something better.
i might go out tonight... i feel like i guilted my friend into inviting me, though, so i don't know...
we'll see.
hope you're all doing well and that you have a great weekend.
edit: fuggin' "less than" symbol... makes the rest of your post dissappear like magic!

work today, one of the big-wig specialists was there and she's been giving us shit lately, but she was incredibly nice to me today... she was halfway out the door when she turned around and came back to talk to me and ask how i was doing, 'cause the last time i saw her i was pretty bummed...
she asked how my interview went... i tried to keep it hush-hush at work... but it seems like everyone knew, anyhow. i told her that i still hadn't heard back and told her about how i was passed up for the promotion at work... and she was mad. so she went to talk to my manager... and he came down and interviewed me for it later in the day! he said he'd let me know early next week... it's nothing major... but it's at least a $1.50 - $2 raise and full time... so... that's better than nothing, at least until i find something better.

i might go out tonight... i feel like i guilted my friend into inviting me, though, so i don't know...
we'll see.
hope you're all doing well and that you have a great weekend.
edit: fuggin' "less than" symbol... makes the rest of your post dissappear like magic!
If you do go out, drink some beer for me, and please have fun, doll.
i hope you are doing well and I wish you some
how did the going out go? i never ended up going out but i partied by myself. go me.
so we never finished talking about those kids of ours!
xo csilla
ps i wrote you a testimonial