So I heard that while I was at Comic Con they had a lil marvel fashion show. I caught a glimpse of it but ignored it. But it turns out the outfits are going to be for sale soon, and I decided to check them out.
All I can say is cheap cheap cheap CHEAP. I watched the video and seriously, could they have picked more annoying models? The Black Cat made me want to hurt someone. The costumes were for the most part, not flattering and obviously made of cheap and uncomfty and not attractive fabric. I think hardly anyone will look good in those other then girls with bodies like the afore mentioned mediocre models. Also, if you watch the video, totally unflattering panty shot on Black cat
Seriously, white granny panties with a black lyrca outfit? And could marvel not have filmed from, I dunno, NOT an upskirt view. It was like watching some pervy video taking by a random. And HELLO kids look at that video.
SO yeah, anyways the costumes were wretched. WRETCHED. The Captain America one was decent, I could see myself giving it a chance, hell; I thought it was semi cute. The Emma Frost was quite accurate so props, but I would never fit into it, I am anti midriff. Spiderman had a few (very few) redeeming qualities but I would never buy it and black Spiderman costume was just stupid (looked like a dark fairy). And GOOD GOD I hated the black cat costume. It looked like one of the chick pimp cheap outfits you see at every store. It's a whore costume with a mask
So bring out the girls that think Halloween is an excuse to drink bitch drinks and wear unflattering skanky outfits.
Don't misunderstand, I skank it up for at least one night per Halloween season. I loved my cheapy rainbow bright outfit and my homemade playgirl bunny. But seriously Marvel, when I found myself wishing for better chick superhero costumes (I need a new wonder woman) I didn't mean trashy whore costumes!!!
That is my rant.
Oh and a quick Mega recap.
I am visiting the fam and some SAtown friends right now, and then it's back to 12-hour work day. Seriously though, I really like my new job as a PA. Go team!
Also, I finished moving into my new place and it's awesome.
Pineapple express time!
All I can say is cheap cheap cheap CHEAP. I watched the video and seriously, could they have picked more annoying models? The Black Cat made me want to hurt someone. The costumes were for the most part, not flattering and obviously made of cheap and uncomfty and not attractive fabric. I think hardly anyone will look good in those other then girls with bodies like the afore mentioned mediocre models. Also, if you watch the video, totally unflattering panty shot on Black cat
Seriously, white granny panties with a black lyrca outfit? And could marvel not have filmed from, I dunno, NOT an upskirt view. It was like watching some pervy video taking by a random. And HELLO kids look at that video.
SO yeah, anyways the costumes were wretched. WRETCHED. The Captain America one was decent, I could see myself giving it a chance, hell; I thought it was semi cute. The Emma Frost was quite accurate so props, but I would never fit into it, I am anti midriff. Spiderman had a few (very few) redeeming qualities but I would never buy it and black Spiderman costume was just stupid (looked like a dark fairy). And GOOD GOD I hated the black cat costume. It looked like one of the chick pimp cheap outfits you see at every store. It's a whore costume with a mask
So bring out the girls that think Halloween is an excuse to drink bitch drinks and wear unflattering skanky outfits.
Don't misunderstand, I skank it up for at least one night per Halloween season. I loved my cheapy rainbow bright outfit and my homemade playgirl bunny. But seriously Marvel, when I found myself wishing for better chick superhero costumes (I need a new wonder woman) I didn't mean trashy whore costumes!!!
That is my rant.
Oh and a quick Mega recap.
I am visiting the fam and some SAtown friends right now, and then it's back to 12-hour work day. Seriously though, I really like my new job as a PA. Go team!
Also, I finished moving into my new place and it's awesome.
Pineapple express time!