I'm horrible with dating and how to segue(?) from friend to boyfriend/lover. I've had too many instances where I string along for months and then get the friend speech then find out she goes out and bangs someone on the first date and they become a couple. I'm looking for a relationship that could lead to marriage and I've found someone that I really feel is a great match.
I've been taking it reserved with Leah. We've only seen each other twice. However, we talk almost every day and we text each other frequently. Things are complicated because her son only see's his father from noon to 5 on Sundays so that's the only time we really get to see each other unless her mom agrees to watch her son. What I'm afraid of is things turning into just a friends or being taken advantage of in helping her escape from her cabin fever a few hours each week. While sex shouldn't be the foundation of a relationship, it is an important part. We haven't even talked about anything intimate and I'm not pushing the envelope about it (after all we've only seen each other twice!). However, when should I start to question her intentions? By Valentines day weekend we will have seen each other at least 5 times and talked ourselves to boredom lol. With the inherant romance of the "holiday" and the time of our relationship (we've been e-mailing and texting and talking for two months by that point) should that be the time I question what her intentions are with us if she doesn't create the opportunity?
I've dated women where it was sex on the first or second date, but they generally turned into strictly sexual relationships. Because of my former marriage and the lack of sex, I find that sex must be part of any relationship I'm in and it must be something more than just missionary sex. I'm very open to a lot of different things and while I don't really expect my mate to want to do everything I'm interested in, I can't live with just whitebread sex. However, I'm very reserved in asking for something more for fear of rejection or judgement on my partners behalf.
Well, I guess it's three more weeks of yanking it until V-day. I think I have to use that as a deadline. If anyone thinks differently let me know.
I've been taking it reserved with Leah. We've only seen each other twice. However, we talk almost every day and we text each other frequently. Things are complicated because her son only see's his father from noon to 5 on Sundays so that's the only time we really get to see each other unless her mom agrees to watch her son. What I'm afraid of is things turning into just a friends or being taken advantage of in helping her escape from her cabin fever a few hours each week. While sex shouldn't be the foundation of a relationship, it is an important part. We haven't even talked about anything intimate and I'm not pushing the envelope about it (after all we've only seen each other twice!). However, when should I start to question her intentions? By Valentines day weekend we will have seen each other at least 5 times and talked ourselves to boredom lol. With the inherant romance of the "holiday" and the time of our relationship (we've been e-mailing and texting and talking for two months by that point) should that be the time I question what her intentions are with us if she doesn't create the opportunity?
I've dated women where it was sex on the first or second date, but they generally turned into strictly sexual relationships. Because of my former marriage and the lack of sex, I find that sex must be part of any relationship I'm in and it must be something more than just missionary sex. I'm very open to a lot of different things and while I don't really expect my mate to want to do everything I'm interested in, I can't live with just whitebread sex. However, I'm very reserved in asking for something more for fear of rejection or judgement on my partners behalf.
Well, I guess it's three more weeks of yanking it until V-day. I think I have to use that as a deadline. If anyone thinks differently let me know.