I am so jonesing for another piercing. Also, I need to get my tongue ring redone (it closed recently). I think I found a place to get it done at that is reputable and professional about it. That's the problem with moving to a completely different state. You lose all the regular places you develop over the years and have to start over (doctor, piercer, accountant, etc.)
Melissa is coming up this week. We're going to do the whole Hershey Park thing. I'm trying to keep it low key for a couple of reasons, first the money I've laid out over the last four months, and second not knowing where we stand. In recent conversations it sounds like she's not pushing for more unless I move back to Florida. That I won't do. I was happy to escape God's waiting room. If I move again it will be to Tennessee or Kentucky. If it's just friends with benefits then I can live with that. If she is hoping for more, she's going to be disappointed. I just don't like the feeling that I'm hiding something.
Melissa is coming up this week. We're going to do the whole Hershey Park thing. I'm trying to keep it low key for a couple of reasons, first the money I've laid out over the last four months, and second not knowing where we stand. In recent conversations it sounds like she's not pushing for more unless I move back to Florida. That I won't do. I was happy to escape God's waiting room. If I move again it will be to Tennessee or Kentucky. If it's just friends with benefits then I can live with that. If she is hoping for more, she's going to be disappointed. I just don't like the feeling that I'm hiding something.