It's getting ready to storm here. I love it when it rains and a good storm really seems to clean the air. It's been so hot here, we need a break.
I'm really looking forward to Caitlyn coming here and visiting, but I don't really seem to be getting into the prep for it. I love it when I talk to her mom two days ago and she tells me that she's bringing $300 to help with the trip and then today tells me that she's already spent $100 of it on gifts for two birthday parties that Caitlyn is going to, for day care for Caitlyn, for this and that. A relative comes in and she gets them into Disney, but somehow that costs money because she stays and shops with them. I don't begrudge that she bought the b=day gifts or the daycare, but those are expenses that she knew she had so that's not really saving money for the trip now is it?
I'm really starting to notice that I'm stressing at work. Mainly because I'm feeling behind. The more I'm out the further behind I'm getting and I'm not getting ahead when I am in the office. Len tells me to give more to Amy, but then Frank bitches because she's doing all my work or all of Len's work. It's not the best situation. Also, I've already been told not to push for a schematics analyst in the office. That's fine, but then stop telling our account managers that we want their schematics done in our office. If you are going to continue to tout that ability, then make sure you have someone to cover it. Is that rocket science?
I had fun with Amy today. I love it when she gives me attitude as long as I know it's in fun or even semi serious. I couldn't keep my hands off of her today though. It's a good thing she wasn't wearing an open shirt. That would have driven me wild.
I gave her my password to read my blogs again today. I told her I don't write them for her and I trust her to not get angry about what I write. If she has a questions about something, then ask me. A lot of what i put down here depends on my mood, what happened that day, did I eat something that did or didn't disagree with me, did I rub one out just before.... I know I wouldn't give this site to Caitlyn's mom and I wouldn't for anyone that I've dated before. I think I did started to let her read them to be open and honest with her. I feel that she's gone through a lot of guys lieing to her if not outright cheated on her. I didn't want her to feel that I was holding anything back. Since I think about her all the time, it only makes sense that she would be part of most of my blogs. Maybe that's being too open. Maybe it takes away the mystery. Whatever. I decided to do it and I'm not going back on it. That would just be another version of cheating.
I'm really looking forward to Caitlyn coming here and visiting, but I don't really seem to be getting into the prep for it. I love it when I talk to her mom two days ago and she tells me that she's bringing $300 to help with the trip and then today tells me that she's already spent $100 of it on gifts for two birthday parties that Caitlyn is going to, for day care for Caitlyn, for this and that. A relative comes in and she gets them into Disney, but somehow that costs money because she stays and shops with them. I don't begrudge that she bought the b=day gifts or the daycare, but those are expenses that she knew she had so that's not really saving money for the trip now is it?
I'm really starting to notice that I'm stressing at work. Mainly because I'm feeling behind. The more I'm out the further behind I'm getting and I'm not getting ahead when I am in the office. Len tells me to give more to Amy, but then Frank bitches because she's doing all my work or all of Len's work. It's not the best situation. Also, I've already been told not to push for a schematics analyst in the office. That's fine, but then stop telling our account managers that we want their schematics done in our office. If you are going to continue to tout that ability, then make sure you have someone to cover it. Is that rocket science?

I had fun with Amy today. I love it when she gives me attitude as long as I know it's in fun or even semi serious. I couldn't keep my hands off of her today though. It's a good thing she wasn't wearing an open shirt. That would have driven me wild.