It's been a great couple of days. I love being around my family. We cut up and and have fun. I got to spend some time with my brother. There are things that he can tell me that he can't tell my mother and father and I think he takes my advice more seriously because we're of the same generation.
Things with Amy are good. We talked a bit. She has serious concerns that it's not fair to me that we can't spend time together because of all of her commitments. We've basically come to the decision to just hang loose and see what happens. If things improve then we can see if things work between us. The main thing is that she doesn't feel pressure of one more commitment that she has to deal with everyday. As long as I'm still part of her life, even as a friend, I can deal.
We've been flirting back and forth the last couple of days. Mainly because she's bored at work and I have nothing better going on here.
I asked her to look something up for me on Wednesday just joking around. When I asked her about it on Thursday she gave me a smart ass answer. So I told her I really did need it (actually it's a good idea and I plan on pursuing it when I get back. I would never have asked her to do it really because it would have been a waste of time for her. She doesn't have a true understanding of all of our items and what the field could use. It's not her fault, that isn't what she was hired to do and that isn't her background) and I expected to see the results when I get back. Then I sent our boss Len a message asking him to help me to enhance the joke by asking her about the project and suggesting she work with someone (we call her princess) in the office she can't stand. I got his reply back late Thursday. On Friday morning I asked her about it and if Len had talked to her about it. I got another smart reply and a bunch of questions (which comes from her not being the right person for this asignment which I noted before. It's not her fault it's just not her realm of expertise). I told her that I suggested she work with princess and got the reply back "you hate me don't you. You must really hate me". When I tell her Monday that this was all a joke, I may have to fear for my life! However, I haven't had this much fun teasing anyone since I asked her why she couldn't go to the DMV on her lunch break.
I'm looking forward to getting back. I'm eager for her and her son to open their presents from me and to see her again. We're going to argue again about the gifts and because I got her a little something on my trip. I got her a pink camo cap. She should feel lucky. I almost got her a camo thong, but I wasn't sure of her size. I'll have to check on that if I can ever get her panties off of her.
Things with Amy are good. We talked a bit. She has serious concerns that it's not fair to me that we can't spend time together because of all of her commitments. We've basically come to the decision to just hang loose and see what happens. If things improve then we can see if things work between us. The main thing is that she doesn't feel pressure of one more commitment that she has to deal with everyday. As long as I'm still part of her life, even as a friend, I can deal.
We've been flirting back and forth the last couple of days. Mainly because she's bored at work and I have nothing better going on here.

I'm looking forward to getting back. I'm eager for her and her son to open their presents from me and to see her again. We're going to argue again about the gifts and because I got her a little something on my trip. I got her a pink camo cap. She should feel lucky. I almost got her a camo thong, but I wasn't sure of her size. I'll have to check on that if I can ever get her panties off of her.