I'm coming onto the hard part of being in management. Tomorrow I have to demote two of my District Managers to field level. Both have been with the company for 15+ years. Both have given their best years and efforts to the company. Both are in their mid fifties. However, the family company that they started with is now almost a billion dollar company, and while it's still family owned, it is now part of "Big Business". With a drop of five million dollars in revenue within two years it means a cut in overhead. Since management doesn't actually generate revenue, that is what is being cut. While I can understand it, I can't condone it.
With this change my work load will almost double. I'll be in the field now, managing my sales force instead of with the customer managing my business. All my life I was ambitious, wanting to be in management. When I finally realized that what I really wanted was a job that I could go to, do, and leave each day and I stopped trying for management that's when I suddenly got promoted over my former managers. One thing I did learn over the years is not to piss off or piss on anybody because tomorrow they could be your boss. One of the guys I have to demote tomorrow is someone who tried to screw me over a number of times. When I was no longer in his reach he tried to do his best to undermine me. Some might say that what goes around comes around, but I take no personal satisfaction in tearing a man down when he is within sight of what should be the golden years of his life.
Sorry to be so depressing. On the good side I think I'm going to back to work for Disney World part time on the weekends. I miss interacting with the "guests" and it is so totally removed from what I do during the week, it will make it a break. Besides, I get cheap golf on some of the best courses in the state.
Once I get things straightened out with work and my finances, I have to focus on me. I've lost some weight, but I need to lose more. I'm getting Lasik in July. I need to motivate myself to work out. That last is the hardest. Anyways, that's where I'm at right now.

With this change my work load will almost double. I'll be in the field now, managing my sales force instead of with the customer managing my business. All my life I was ambitious, wanting to be in management. When I finally realized that what I really wanted was a job that I could go to, do, and leave each day and I stopped trying for management that's when I suddenly got promoted over my former managers. One thing I did learn over the years is not to piss off or piss on anybody because tomorrow they could be your boss. One of the guys I have to demote tomorrow is someone who tried to screw me over a number of times. When I was no longer in his reach he tried to do his best to undermine me. Some might say that what goes around comes around, but I take no personal satisfaction in tearing a man down when he is within sight of what should be the golden years of his life.
Sorry to be so depressing. On the good side I think I'm going to back to work for Disney World part time on the weekends. I miss interacting with the "guests" and it is so totally removed from what I do during the week, it will make it a break. Besides, I get cheap golf on some of the best courses in the state.

Once I get things straightened out with work and my finances, I have to focus on me. I've lost some weight, but I need to lose more. I'm getting Lasik in July. I need to motivate myself to work out. That last is the hardest. Anyways, that's where I'm at right now.