I went to Silver Springs with my goddaughter(Caitlyn), her family and some of their friends. It was fun seeing Caitlyn and her friend reacting to the park. They loved the glass bottom boats and were amazed by the monkeys that they saw wild in the woods around the park.
While I love spending time with my goddaughter, it never fails that I'm broke and drained by the end of my visits. I seem to attract "takers" and that has led me to no ends of financial and emotional crisis. Not to be unfair to Caitlyn, but now that this weekend is behind me (I had promised her the trip for her good grades in school) I'm looking to be "busy" most weekends for a while so I don't have to visit.
I keep going 'round and 'round about getting a tattoo. I don't want something that anybody can pick out of a wall of prints. I would like to do something along the lines of the four elements with one on each limb. However, I don't know whether to do one scene for the whole limb, or just a collections of symbols to cover the whole limb. The first I want to do is water. I've been collecting images, but I haven't seen one complete picture that would work on my leg. That is why I'm looking at a collection instead. Also, I want the best artist I can find, but even with so many "parlors" around, I find very few of what I consider good tattoos that have been done locally.
While I love spending time with my goddaughter, it never fails that I'm broke and drained by the end of my visits. I seem to attract "takers" and that has led me to no ends of financial and emotional crisis. Not to be unfair to Caitlyn, but now that this weekend is behind me (I had promised her the trip for her good grades in school) I'm looking to be "busy" most weekends for a while so I don't have to visit.
I keep going 'round and 'round about getting a tattoo. I don't want something that anybody can pick out of a wall of prints. I would like to do something along the lines of the four elements with one on each limb. However, I don't know whether to do one scene for the whole limb, or just a collections of symbols to cover the whole limb. The first I want to do is water. I've been collecting images, but I haven't seen one complete picture that would work on my leg. That is why I'm looking at a collection instead. Also, I want the best artist I can find, but even with so many "parlors" around, I find very few of what I consider good tattoos that have been done locally.