There's a new design? I'm posting something? I'm not dead?

What do these three questions have in common?
What'd I do today? I rescued $15 worth of black forest ham from going bad by turning it into a delicious split-pea and ham soup. Oh and got addicted to Veronica Mars, that show is surprisingly dark at second glance.
Is 15$ alot for blackforest ham? Its quite cheap here but congrats either way
Tonight I prepped some venison in a marinade (for dinner tomorrow), and I was shocked by the total alien-ness of the experience. The meat was strangely darker than beef, had a distinct, wild scent to it and was surrounded by actual blood, not that red food dye that store-bought meat comes with. Everything that touched the meat had to be washed twice and I couldn't...
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Now that it's the month of February I've switched over into waiting mode for the 60-day notice of possession for my new place. It's terribly exciting in a very boring sort of way. But if I don't get a letter this month I'll an early spring move-in.
I'm eating a giant orange. I'm shoving the juice into my thumb with a dull, freshly clipped finger nail. I'm thinking I should have kissed her when I had the chance. I'm waiting patiently for my download to finish up. I'm thinking about sex too much these days. I'm feeling unnaturally inspired. I'm wasting a lot of time.
And it's now a new year. And roommates are the worst part of this year. Talk about a tease. Anyways, since I'm being all vague and dodgy, I should probably call it a night.

I sawr Capote tonight and it wors really, really good.

Philip Seymour Hoffman has fought an awesome battle with this film. It didn't take long at all for me to see Truman, and not P.S. Hoffman, outstanding job.

Then I got to have another wicked conversation about theology, atheology, morality, society, sci-fi-geekery and other fun stuff! Two good conversations in one weekend? The fact that...
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Holy crap, it seems like I only update here when I either a) cook/eat some really good food, b) have an unusual biological function or c) get drunk. This falls under all of the above..

Tonight I ate oysters, and they weren't half bad. The first time I had oysters was "creole fried" and they pretty much turned my stomach. I had a plate of...
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Got to see The Dudes tonight at Broken City, awesome show, even if it was small and short. That's really about it. Ran around in the snow a bit, got some late-night pizza (the best kind) and had dinner at Open Sesame; a good decision on Tuesday with a great server. And cute too!

Oh, and finally got my own copy of BeePuncher!
Well, that's one less thing for my creeky old windows machine to do. I doubled the RAM in my PowerBook and moved 2 GB of photos into iPhoto. I found that I wasn't doing much photography lately because it always required turning on my PC. If it weren't for the occasional game, it'd never be used, and maybe that's for the best.

I listened to...
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