I felt ogled last night. Probably cos out of a table of about nine girls I caught seven of them staring at me during dinner.
As an opposite to last time... I'm totally burnt out and can't make myself work. Not tonight anyways. That's about it....

I'm watching a great video presentation on how to find inspiration and increase creativity, it's really worth your time if you're stuck in a rut. Or even if you're not.

Pollinate Chain Reaction 2004/
My favourite measurement is the Metric Fuck-Ton. As in, I have a metric fuck-ton of work still left to do tonight. In celebration of this I have picked up double cans of Red Bull and will probably be up long enough to start getting ready for work. Anyone who wants to cheer me on can post a comment. Anyone who thinks it'd be saner to...
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I've started up correspondence with my ex-girlfriend. She's living on California these days, one of my few friends living outside the country. I figured it'd be good to keep in touch. I find it straight that we fit together so well. When we were together, we made a natural couple. Apart, we make natural friends... but at the same time, we make natural enemies too.......
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Had a bit of a fainting spell on the train ride home today, and it's definitely not something I wanna go through again. I think it could just have been a case of over-exertion or hyperthermia or something of the like, since I ran two blocks to catch a train (which I didn't actually catch, talk about a slap in the face).

I felt fine...
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I wouldn't consider myself a winter hater, but waking up to -36 really kills the spirit in a way that few things can. I've heard people complain about places where it's too hot to do anything, but I'm not quite buying that. In my climate, there are days where if you walked outside without a coat, you'd be dead within an hour. Weather that can...
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Here's a reflection. I don't get to wear my suit that often, pretty much just special occasions. I'm puttin it on for a new years party and I notice a little bit of glitter in the material and then I remember where it came from. A Christmas party with prime rib, a free bar and a girl who's heart I broke, something I've never stopped...
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I saw The Life Aquatic this evening and it was absolutely great! In my opinion, it's the best Wes Anderson film to date. Bill Murray is both hilarious and emotional in this film and its got a few fun twists. If you haven't figured out what to see before the year ends, go see this one!