Okay, today has been just great so far. Not only did my copy of The Incredibles arrive in the mail, but I found the ultimate score on Usenet this morning.

An entire cache of 'Weird Al' Yankovic! That's right, just about his entire career, right there, just waiting to be downloaded (I have a lot of this on tape, but no tape player). I...
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also, my shift on wednesday got cancelled, so if you want to meet earlier, we can.
sounds like a plan.
The problem with being me is that pressure drops during long stretches of precipitation (read snow) my joints get all swelly and I ache all over the place. It hits me in the knees and elbows the worst and I spend the whole day feeling like I have to crack them to release the pressure.

In fact I didn't realize that my joints are pressure...
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If you need some music to really add a smile to your day, check out The Go! Team, it's like watching an entire afternoon of 70's hero team shows!

But even it can't lift the sombre weight of the snow that just won't stop falling. I always said March were the snowiest month of the year, but I guess some deep part of me...
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i certainly benefitted from all the kind wishes regarding my dance show. Thank you kiss

you are wonderfully sweet!
Must. Make. Brain. Wittier.

My sister's boyfriend says to me, about she and he making out, "You don't wanna know what we did on your bed." to which I reply. "You don't wanna know what I did on her bed."

Then about thirty seconds later my brain kicks out the much wittier "Couldn't be worse than I what I did on her bed."

Why, oh...
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To get away from you! HA!
Okay that's not true. Why does it matter though, it's not like you see me ever. tongue
I'm not really from here, I'm from bc, I just stopped in for a couple years I guess.
I don't really like poetry generally.
When and where?
It snowed last night and now outside is all beautiful and white and pretty and peaceful. And shitty. I was going to walk to the barbershop and get my hair all snipped off but now I can't. Because I choose to not believe that snow exists today. If I see it, I could have some sort of mental breakdown. Blinds closed.

Also, it occurs to...
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I'mana update twice just because I feels like it! Today started out really shitty, and has me a little worried that I'm experiencing some sort of minor depression, but I think I'm just stressed out. When the rain finally broke it kept alternating between hail and actual rain, which was just weird.

During the day I got hungry and bought a bag of peanuts, only...
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imaculate. smile
welcome to the canada west group!
Happy monday! In a few hours anyway.

I hit up a Karaoke birthday party but had to leave before I got a chance to sing, which really killed my weekend, but I get to go to a poetry Face-Off on Tuesday. Plus one of my favourite poets is reading, the lucious Ali Riley. Anyone who's gonna be in Calgary on the 8th should really check...
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Here's a story about my underwears.

When I was growing up and started attending school I developed a severe disliking of briefs, or tighty-whities, even though they were often blue At my present age they are sometimes called ball-huggers, and not without reason. I found them to be so uncomfortable that I spend a lot of my 'formative years' going commando, although at the time...
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what a funny tale... i always wonder about zippers.

thanks for your sweet birthday wishes... smile kiss
nice! kiss
Well, in about 5 hours I'm gonna be off to Mexico. Hopefully I don't end up in a bathtub full of ice less a kidney. I'll bring back photos!

Happy valentines love!...Muwaaah!!!.. kiss love kiss