This morning, a girl on the bus was wearing perfume that smelled exactly like Kama Sutra Tangerines & Cream massage oil.
oh! balloon icon day!
happy bday! biggrin
Happy balloon day.
Wow. It's like I don't update this thing anymore. Or maybe I'm just busy. Yeah... that's it. Been wrapping up loose ends, putting out fires, getting shit done, and trying to capture more free time. The weather is starting to get hot and that means less clothing and more late nights, early mornings and other good shit like that.

Anyone who was in my city...
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wonder if i coulda seen it here. pftt silly me not lookin
guess ill just check out the skys this weekend instead
Went out to a pretty good read last night. Then work went and got in the way of dancing, pooh. It seems to be doing that a lot lately. No question about it the poets of this town are hot. And not just in that literal sense.

I also got a really awesome little alarm clock as part of an art installation. Then I put...
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I think you ran past tygertyger, atrasties and I yesterday. You just ran down the street and I saw you go by and said "I think that was supercrisis."
It was kind of funny.
It wasn't night time, it was around seven I think. Seven thirty maybe.
I think I'm coming down with an ear infection or something. Each morning my left ear is deaf until I prod it a bit and then hearing slowly returns. Might be time to see a doctor.... except I don't pay my healthcare premiums... so much for the great Canadian Health Care system... blackeyed
I've been folded in half with a nasty head cold and just generally having way too much to do these days.

I went to go see my new place the other day and it's high enough out of the ground that my patio is now visible. It was exciting in a weird sort of way to see something actually built. I also picked out the...
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Aside from touring the court house...

What could be more fun that staying up all night with me, in loose fitting pants writing line after line of computer code?

Getting paid obscene amounts of money for it.

Here's hoping I can wrap shit up tonight and get a social life. Bawls don't fail me now!
loose fitting pants and obscene money....hmmmm
yes lovely

but comp code...meeeep confused
i've been housebound for too long. I need to seriously party!
Because I know how to have a good time... my friend and I are going to get all cleaned up, don suits and go skulk around the Court House today. Why? Because they are having an open house and because we've nothing better to do. Then I get to eat my treasured Vietnamese food.
Thursday Morning:
The inside of my mouth feels like I was sucking off a roll of sandpaper last night.... what the hell?

If I really work hard on my project, I might get a free lunch tomorrow. If I get a free lunch, I'll save a bit of money. If I save a bit of money, I'll be rich.

Okay, drunken rant is now removed. Turns out that being drunk also means I'm too stupid to look on the floor for my keys because I found them about two seconds after I woke up. Which is good because keys are difficult to replace, or something.

I seem to have flown into a drunken rage over the keys; talk about self loathing, I beat...
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I guess it's the "i'm tasting the soup" face I'm making that makes you think of "cooking" when you look at that picture with the thumb in the mouth...

Tonight I read a cookbook before I going to bed. Oh the dreams that I will have...
were there recipes for sugarplums?
Working unitl 8. frown
I make him happy
he doesn't trust me
because I know everything he knows
he tells me the truth
but I know he lies
I can make him happy
he isn't as weak as he thinks
okay! What did you have in mind?
Having friends that get angry and offended on your behalf is just about the best feeling in the world.

Tonight I made super-delicious ginger miso salmon burgers and I'm definitely going to have to build on this recipe. Been busy as all hell, working on various side projects, personal projects and full-time work projects. But that doesn't stop me from making dancing plans for next...
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So I've really got to work on Saturday. Sorry. frown