Got a vaccination jab today, about a month later than I was s'posed to, which turned out to be quite all right. The clinician was surprisingly gentle, didn't even feel it go in. wink

Now the plan is to sit around and keep the stress off so my body can go about the task of learning what the hell was injected into me and how to...
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Ooogh... the salmon tonight was bad. Thankfully the waitress came by a second time (once I had actually tasted the fish) and I was able to send it back and have it replaced by some delicious crab and cheese wantons!

My season 2 Lost DVD crapped out on me, so it's re-runs of The Shield, and that I don't mind.
All the friends I have in this city are dull as old paint. Tuesday night means cheap drinks, cheap food and cheap shows. And not one of them is answering their phone!
I'd go, but I'm not in Calgary. smile
well, I am very mischievious... so it suits me just fine to come off looking like I might be in my set... wink
I got it soooooooooo bad. And here I thought that I was done and over her, but that's definitely a I lie that I got good at telling.

Just when you think you've got the universe figured out, it throws something screwy at you and you have to start from scratch. So now I sit around pretending that I'm busy, trying to ignore the fact...
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Dear Tide laundry detergent,

I love you so much. You saved my favourite shirt from the vile clutches of the staining, garlic chili oil. I cannot thank you enough. When the cap snapped off the bottle and I felt the oil spray across my body, I was left in a state of utter shock. The best shirt I own. The green one. Stained with red,...
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Congrats on Vegas!

I do indeed have a new set coming sometime in the future, but it will not feature a rabbit, or fur. red lips maybe?
Got poked with a needle tipped vacuum bottle today and thus conquered one of my biggest and most irrational fears. Watching it fill with my own blood was kinda weird, because I didn't even really get to see it happen, it was so fast. So now there's a vial of my blood, and a vial of my piss in a cabinet some where, and some...
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Hooray for dancing!

My trip to California was amazingly great and awesome! I took a ton of photos, but not nearly as many as I would have liked. I still use my eyes before I use my camera and often miss special moments... which is probably a good thing. Seeing the whole world through the view-finder can be kinda ridiculous.

Now I'm stuck with a...
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My bags are actually packed and I'm waiting for my ride to the airport. Working Monday was a downer, I'm strangely calm, but that's the way that I usually end up when I'm about to take a trip; I don't really get excited until after the fact.

Hopefully I didn't forget anything. I actually didn't even think to pack my passport until just before falling...
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My bags will soon be packed and I'll soon be standing in a terminal. I'll soon be punching numbers into a metal kiosk, hoping that I will get a boarding pass like the website promised me. I'll soon be pressed against the tiny plastic window, perhaps fogging it up a bit in anticipation. The stewardess will come by and ask me if I want to...
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One day of Stampede tally:

    -2 eggs + 2 pieces toast
    -1 pancake with piece of bacon lodged in it
    -1 bottle grapefruit juice
    -1 chicken Shwarma sandwich
    -1 corndog
    -3 juice boxes (fruit punch, cherry, tropical punch)
    -1 soft pretzel w/ de-icing salt
    -1/2 loaf italian bread
    -1 bowl minestrone soup
    -1 large place spaghetti w/ spicy meat sauce and mizithra cheese
    -1 small...
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and what's new with you mr?
I can't stop eating!! But at least its mostly vegetables and fruit these days.... maybe there's a correlation.

Summer time has me waking up early these days and that's definitely a good thing. But early up also tends to mean early down.


[Fuck! I missed Xiu Xiu at Broken City last week!]
Holy hells have I been a busy body. Working three'sh jobs and such.

I went to an awesome poetry read tonight, the grand Flywheel Experiment, number two. The experiment was to have each poet read the work of another poet at the reading, all random and such. It went really well and there were some amazing moments. The much famed Christian Bk's work was read...
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