Wanna know the truth- the whole truth- and nothing but the fuckin truth? I'm pretty god-damned (<<old redneck man voice) unhappy with things at the moment. I look damn good- feel pretty alright- but am not making any progress with jack shit in my life. I need to get my pinup shit on the role and ditch the boyfriend who is holding me back, no?... Read More
soory to hear you are displeased with things. you do look good, you should feel alright, and you would be a model pin up. your boyfriend i can't really comment on. you should definitely get happy one way or another though. happy is good.
In Colorado! It's fucking nippily outside- pics of the tattoo expo up soon. Gotta say & I hate to hate- but the expo was hella lame-however, the peeps were pretty fuckin alright. Just alot of biker tattoos and the like. A couple of really dope ass artists for sure. Aaron (sp? ) from Bad Seeds in Vegas - pretty sure- was fuckin BAAAAD Ass!!! You... Read More
Pretty much done moving (... a month later!!) The online biz is doing surprisingly well- I'm not surprised at the fact that it's doing well, I'm surprised at how GREAT its doing! Awesomeness! Dave's new piece is at an artshow in St.Pete along with another of his pieces. It's awesome to walk into a dope ass art show and see your lov's work up!... Read More
details about my upcoming b-day on my profile.congrats on the move and on the business!! Hopefully this will be a good time for you to meet some of the locals!
...Ah So, I'm still moving! It's been ruff (like b-r-i-l-l-o) moving because Dave got back the day before we started- of ocurse he wanted to start that day, and I by all means wanted his help, but we couldnt get the keys til he next day (sat). So we loaded the car as much as we could on Friday- on Saturday I drove (sans license)... Read More
I've been on an emotional rollercoaster all week! Dave was supposed to go to Washington last Sunday so I was ll pstched and ready for him to be gone- but he ended up only making it to Houston and then having to fly back to Tampa. He had traded out a tattoo for some airline tickets- but didnt realize they were "STANDBY" and 3 planes... Read More
It's Thursday! Yay. It was pouring today which is super-awesome. I love it when it rains, it reminds me of Germany- or upstate NY and...those are places I L O V. So of course nostalgia of happiness brings happiness, and so the rain brings smiles to me in each pitter patter i hear! YUM!
Worked some more on Dave's site- but I am definitely becoming... Read More
ph, and don't be silly, you can't be unpopular, you the cats pajamas