Okay... first offical blog post... not counting the other first one... haha... that one just came out of excitment of how cool it is on hur... dats ryt i sed HUR!... cuz i'm ghetto fab.... wow!?... tottally out ther random... anyways...
so yesterday... I went to court (walk-in)... and god bless his soul the judge terminated the last 6 and a half months left on my summary probation... which gives me the chance to get the one and only blimish on my record EXPUNGED!... weird word huh?... pretty much meaning dismissing it... not so much eraseing it as just fileing it away from prying eyes... so when I fell out application for whatever or apply for jobs... I'm free and clear... *sigh*... thank god...
heres what it says on my court paper work under "Granting of Petition" (the petition being misderminor expungment petition)...... anyways its says;
"The relief granted by PC1203.4 or PC1203.4a does not seal, destroy, or remove any entries from the court, law enforcment or Department of Justice records, but is a dismissal of the charges and convitions. Upon the granting of the petition, a notation will be entered on the record that relief was granted pursuant to this statute. The Department of Motor Vehicles shall still consider the conviction for purposes of revocation or suspension of the driving privilege pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 13555."
short and sweet... basically it did happen but it didn't happen... haha... meaning the court and police force having to do with your arrest still have your information and records... but as far as everyone else it never happened or was just dismissed... let go... you know?... as far as the DMV crap at the end... thats only if it had somthing to do with a vehicle... even tho its dismissed the dmv can still access the information... if need be...
SO! if you have a misdmeanor and would like that crap off your record... I would recommend going to the court house having to do with said case... and ask them if you can "Petition for Expungment"...
Good Luck... and wish me luck as well my petition will be heard in court 9/8/09
Okay... first offical blog post... not counting the other first one... haha... that one just came out of excitment of how cool it is on hur... dats ryt i sed HUR!... cuz i'm ghetto fab.... wow!?... tottally out ther random... anyways...
so yesterday... I went to court (walk-in)... and god bless his soul the judge terminated the last 6 and a half months left on my summary probation... which gives me the chance to get the one and only blimish on my record EXPUNGED!... weird word huh?... pretty much meaning dismissing it... not so much eraseing it as just fileing it away from prying eyes... so when I fell out application for whatever or apply for jobs... I'm free and clear... *sigh*... thank god...
heres what it says on my court paper work under "Granting of Petition" (the petition being misderminor expungment petition)...... anyways its says;
"The relief granted by PC1203.4 or PC1203.4a does not seal, destroy, or remove any entries from the court, law enforcment or Department of Justice records, but is a dismissal of the charges and convitions. Upon the granting of the petition, a notation will be entered on the record that relief was granted pursuant to this statute. The Department of Motor Vehicles shall still consider the conviction for purposes of revocation or suspension of the driving privilege pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 13555."
short and sweet... basically it did happen but it didn't happen... haha... meaning the court and police force having to do with your arrest still have your information and records... but as far as everyone else it never happened or was just dismissed... let go... you know?... as far as the DMV crap at the end... thats only if it had somthing to do with a vehicle... even tho its dismissed the dmv can still access the information... if need be...
SO! if you have a misdmeanor and would like that crap off your record... I would recommend going to the court house having to do with said case... and ask them if you can "Petition for Expungment"...
Good Luck... and wish me luck as well my petition will be heard in court 9/8/09