"Gun fire in the street
Where we used to meet
Echoes out a beat
And the bass goes..."
"The Good Soldier" - Nine Inch Nails
"Year Zero" by Nine Inch Nails. Fucking hell what an album. There's only a small handful of bands who can get me this excited about a new album, but when you buy a NIN album you know you're in for something special and this is no exception. It's the most cohesive album he's done in terms of the concept, it comes across like the soundtrack to a movie. A really really scary movie. Plus, Reznor's always been a genius when it comes to wrapping things up with a closing song so perfect it breaks your heart into a million pieces then puts it back together all wonky, and "Zero Sum" is possibly the best yet. Seriously, I've listened to that song about a dozen times today. In case it's not obvious, I'm really rather keen on this album. Looks like Orwellian Industrial Apocalypse Rock shall be the soundtrack to my summer.
Also got a brand new Teresa Banks song up on the web for free so please check it out. Then forget all about it and go and buy the new NIN album. It's quite good.
Where we used to meet
Echoes out a beat
And the bass goes..."
"The Good Soldier" - Nine Inch Nails
"Year Zero" by Nine Inch Nails. Fucking hell what an album. There's only a small handful of bands who can get me this excited about a new album, but when you buy a NIN album you know you're in for something special and this is no exception. It's the most cohesive album he's done in terms of the concept, it comes across like the soundtrack to a movie. A really really scary movie. Plus, Reznor's always been a genius when it comes to wrapping things up with a closing song so perfect it breaks your heart into a million pieces then puts it back together all wonky, and "Zero Sum" is possibly the best yet. Seriously, I've listened to that song about a dozen times today. In case it's not obvious, I'm really rather keen on this album. Looks like Orwellian Industrial Apocalypse Rock shall be the soundtrack to my summer.
Also got a brand new Teresa Banks song up on the web for free so please check it out. Then forget all about it and go and buy the new NIN album. It's quite good.
God I hope so, I need this break badly. Need to buy more N.I.N, been too cheap lately.
God I hope so, I need this break badly. Need to buy more N.I.N, been too cheap lately.