"One day the wind will come up and you'll come up empty again
There's no reason, no explanation, so play the violin"
Ricochet- Faith No More
Been donkeys years since I've written a blog but been on a bit of a downer for a couple of weeks and didn't fancy lancing open a big bitter sore and oozing sad-puss all over the internet so thought I'd wait until I was feeling my old cheery self. No particular reason for the downer as things have been going better than ever lately in Keef-land, but sometimes my headspace just seems to crumple up a bit and I just can'tbe fucked doing anything. Bizarrely the thing that has cheered me right up is the onset of Winter, I fucking love it, Summer can kiss my chuddies, big sweaty sneezy waste of a season that it is. I know chemically it makes no sense to become cheery when the main source of your serotonin fucks off for a few months but I've always been a bit contrary.
As I mentioned, nothing in particular bringing me down as lots of fun things have been a-happening. We opened for My Alamo, who were spectacularly nice guys with a whole heap of great songs. Their single is out through Universal at the moment and there was talk of us opening for them again when they next tour so hopefully they'll keep us in mind. If there's any justice the single will do great and when we next see them it'll be in an arena with titties and fire. They even let us share some of their equipment which for a touring band is unheard of generally. We also played in the Crow Bar in Paisley, which was actually the most fun I've had at a gig in ages, something about playing with no stage in a scummy bar that always seems to fill me with glee, thought we were really firing on all of our sweaty cylinders that night. Playing Edinburgh tonight which is usually fun as have some good friends there so hopefully they'll make it along, as there's a lot of wonderful people I just don't see enough these days. Oh, and we were in the Paisley Daily Express so that's it, we've arrived, can I do my episode of Cribs now?
Apart from band shenanigi(it's the plural of shenanigans you know) have been playing The Godfather on 360 and having a great time punching bakers in the face until they give me protection money. Morally questionable but a lot of fun. Conquered Doom in it's entirety, thus fulfilling a childhood ambition. Trying not to eat that white chocolate Toblerone in a oner. Losing weight. Putting on weight. Losing weight. Putting on weight. Reading. Sleeping. Repeat to fade
There's no reason, no explanation, so play the violin"
Ricochet- Faith No More
Been donkeys years since I've written a blog but been on a bit of a downer for a couple of weeks and didn't fancy lancing open a big bitter sore and oozing sad-puss all over the internet so thought I'd wait until I was feeling my old cheery self. No particular reason for the downer as things have been going better than ever lately in Keef-land, but sometimes my headspace just seems to crumple up a bit and I just can'tbe fucked doing anything. Bizarrely the thing that has cheered me right up is the onset of Winter, I fucking love it, Summer can kiss my chuddies, big sweaty sneezy waste of a season that it is. I know chemically it makes no sense to become cheery when the main source of your serotonin fucks off for a few months but I've always been a bit contrary.
As I mentioned, nothing in particular bringing me down as lots of fun things have been a-happening. We opened for My Alamo, who were spectacularly nice guys with a whole heap of great songs. Their single is out through Universal at the moment and there was talk of us opening for them again when they next tour so hopefully they'll keep us in mind. If there's any justice the single will do great and when we next see them it'll be in an arena with titties and fire. They even let us share some of their equipment which for a touring band is unheard of generally. We also played in the Crow Bar in Paisley, which was actually the most fun I've had at a gig in ages, something about playing with no stage in a scummy bar that always seems to fill me with glee, thought we were really firing on all of our sweaty cylinders that night. Playing Edinburgh tonight which is usually fun as have some good friends there so hopefully they'll make it along, as there's a lot of wonderful people I just don't see enough these days. Oh, and we were in the Paisley Daily Express so that's it, we've arrived, can I do my episode of Cribs now?
Apart from band shenanigi(it's the plural of shenanigans you know) have been playing The Godfather on 360 and having a great time punching bakers in the face until they give me protection money. Morally questionable but a lot of fun. Conquered Doom in it's entirety, thus fulfilling a childhood ambition. Trying not to eat that white chocolate Toblerone in a oner. Losing weight. Putting on weight. Losing weight. Putting on weight. Reading. Sleeping. Repeat to fade

i reaaaaaally need out of the house!