"I don't get much sleep in a quiet room"
"Anna Begins" - Counting Crows
Not sure when it started but I have long been a bit of a night creature. I usually find the whole process of going to bed (washing face, brushing teeth etc) actually wakes me right up so I don't get off to sleep too easy. It doesn't matter too much if I can lie in bed and listen to some tunes to help me off, but after a while I started to notice that Amy doesn't really drift off to Ministry too well so instead I tuck her into bed and then sit up playing videogames until my eyes start to melt. And this is why I feel a bit lost tonight, as the game I'm playing currently is Silent Hill 4, and sitting in front of the TV with me headphones on in front of that weird-fest is giving me the willies something chronic. It's not that I don't like horror stuff, I've always loved it when a movie or game has me shitting myself, but for some reason this game is filling me with an unease which is in no way pleasurable, and I'm starting to question why I would want to expose myself to something that makes me too scared to walk around my own flat. Probably one to leave until daylight hours
In other news, the single is coming out on 7" tomorrow which is quite exciting, although I don't have a record player so it's not like even I can listen to it. More excited about the CD coming out later in the month, it sounds the shizzle and I like it a lot so hopefully other people will too. Never had anything released before so is a new sensation for me which is somewhere between excitement and anxiety, but then the anxiety part could be Silent Hill 4 twisting my melon.

"Anna Begins" - Counting Crows
Not sure when it started but I have long been a bit of a night creature. I usually find the whole process of going to bed (washing face, brushing teeth etc) actually wakes me right up so I don't get off to sleep too easy. It doesn't matter too much if I can lie in bed and listen to some tunes to help me off, but after a while I started to notice that Amy doesn't really drift off to Ministry too well so instead I tuck her into bed and then sit up playing videogames until my eyes start to melt. And this is why I feel a bit lost tonight, as the game I'm playing currently is Silent Hill 4, and sitting in front of the TV with me headphones on in front of that weird-fest is giving me the willies something chronic. It's not that I don't like horror stuff, I've always loved it when a movie or game has me shitting myself, but for some reason this game is filling me with an unease which is in no way pleasurable, and I'm starting to question why I would want to expose myself to something that makes me too scared to walk around my own flat. Probably one to leave until daylight hours
In other news, the single is coming out on 7" tomorrow which is quite exciting, although I don't have a record player so it's not like even I can listen to it. More excited about the CD coming out later in the month, it sounds the shizzle and I like it a lot so hopefully other people will too. Never had anything released before so is a new sensation for me which is somewhere between excitement and anxiety, but then the anxiety part could be Silent Hill 4 twisting my melon.