So I took this job to change my scenery a bit and get away from a bunch of bullshit that was making me have seriously violent thoughts for the first time in about 10-15 years or so. I don't like feeling that way, and I figured that getting away from everything would help out. Not to mention getting a pretty good job and lots of interesting work experience out of it. And it seemed to work.
Until the last couple of days.
Serious divide in the shop. We "new guys" have been told in no uncertain terms by the existing crew out here that we are to do things "their way".
Their way is fucked and will probably get soldiers hurt. I may not have been here in Iraq for long, but I've been doing electrical work for 18 years, and construction almost my entire life, literally. I know how shit works, and I know what is safe.
Now the old guys are backstabbing the shit out of us. I just jumped in the face of one of them today because he said some shit about me and my family (who he has never met and knows absolutely nothing about) that was way the fuck out of line.
Motherfucker thinks I'm scared of him because he outweighs me by 100+lbs he has another thing coming. The hard part is convincing myself that this prick isn't worth losing my job and being sent home over.
Until the last couple of days.
Serious divide in the shop. We "new guys" have been told in no uncertain terms by the existing crew out here that we are to do things "their way".
Their way is fucked and will probably get soldiers hurt. I may not have been here in Iraq for long, but I've been doing electrical work for 18 years, and construction almost my entire life, literally. I know how shit works, and I know what is safe.
Now the old guys are backstabbing the shit out of us. I just jumped in the face of one of them today because he said some shit about me and my family (who he has never met and knows absolutely nothing about) that was way the fuck out of line.
Motherfucker thinks I'm scared of him because he outweighs me by 100+lbs he has another thing coming. The hard part is convincing myself that this prick isn't worth losing my job and being sent home over.

stick ur thumb in their asses... that should solve it

Im super glad to hear things are better ♥