The first week and a half here, they had me doing facility inspections. Boring as hell. Turns out, they thought because I was the youngest in my group, I must be inexperienced.
Yeah, I started doing electrical work when I was 17.
I asked to be put on a working crew for a day to see how I did.
Smoked the 35 year master electrician, and have now become the go-to guy when no one else can figure out how to fix a problem.
This is what makes me a superhero, dammit!

Yeah, I started doing electrical work when I was 17.
I asked to be put on a working crew for a day to see how I did.
Smoked the 35 year master electrician, and have now become the go-to guy when no one else can figure out how to fix a problem.
This is what makes me a superhero, dammit!

It's definitely a shame that we never met up, anyhow thanks for the well wishes. How are things going by the way?